Campus drone image during fall

Campus Safety Training Sessions

A sample of Campus Safety staff training sessions held from 2013 to the present.

Explore Our Previous Training Sessions

Suicide Prevention Training - hosted by Luci MacNamara, ůůֱ College Director of Counseling. QPR training is Question, Persuade, and Refer.

The focus of QPR training is to learn more about preventing suicide, the warning signs, and how to get help for someone in crisis.

Pendulum of Sanity was conducted by Michelle Monzo of Montgomery County Emergency Services. She has extensive experience in the field and has been providing first responders support through classes and hands-on interactions.

This training session was learning about initial contact with students experiencing mental health issues as well as identifying those who may be a suicide risk. Michelle also spoke about self-care for staff.

DEI - Blind Spots Continued - Bias, with (retired) Major Ben Brooks, of Major Ben's Consulting in August 2022.

The session began with the objective of defining blind spots, identifying foundational principles, the origin of blind spots and bias, how it affects the organization, and strategies to address those issues. There were numerous interactive exercises designed to elicit positive information from each participant, leading to a greater understanding of people with whom they work. There were exercises involved how we are shaped by our past. The dimensions of diversity, equity, and inclusion were emphasized. The final exercise was exploring the impact of bias, it is called "First Thoughts" which highlights the impact of bias programming. Additionally, any outstanding issues from the participants concerning the workshop were addressed. (August 2022)

Mental Health Issues and Crisis Training

The following were scheduled for training at Montgomery County Emergency Services in Norristown. The training was for dealing with subjects suffering mental health issues and crisis.

  • Denise Shipp: March 1-3
  • Jesus Tejada: March 29-31
  • Pete Ruggeri: March 29-31
  • Barry Hess: April 12-14

ICS (Incident Command Training) The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standardized approach to the command, control, and coordination of emergency response providing a common hierarchy within which responders from multiple agencies can be effective. On-line training (December 2021- January 2022). (BMC & HC)

Call Taker Training: dispatch training review by Art Weidle, APCO certified (The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials)

Mental Health Review at BMC with Polly O’Keefe (BMC) (June 2021)

Annual Diversity training hosted by Donna Harris: Re-building Community Post-COVID and Strike of 2020. Discussion on pandemic and the lack of in-person training and personal interactions. To the trauma everyone experienced with COVID including an atmosphere of mistrust, more aggressive or passive aggressive behavior to the stress systemic racism and continued civil unrest. The program was to assist Campus Safety with the tools for self-care, how to work on responsive listening, and to understand their role as public service. (Both HC & BMC in July and August)

Webinar training sessions: Both sessions presented by Linkedin and viewed in January 2021.

  1. Interacting with Others Across Differences (Exploring Unconscious Bias) led by Verna Myers and Arianna Huffington
  2. The Basics of Unconscious Bias and Identifying Unconscious Bias led by Stacy Gordon

Keeping Them Safe with Intercultural Communication led by Intercultural Counseling, LLC by Donna Harris, LCSW from the GSSWSR in August 2020. (Both HC and BMC) In response to civil unrest this year, Ms. Harris created a few hours training session on how to really listen, what is healthy and unhealthy communication to mindful inquiries. Interactive exercises and conversations.

Campus Safety Training led by Tom King and Lil Burroughs in January 2020. (Both HC and BMC) Overview on the use of pronouns, Title IX, CSA’s, Implicit Bias, specifically how dispatchers ask questions about “suspicious” people, to officers arriving to the scene and how to observe “suspicious” behaviors. All were told you don’t have to approach a person not displaying irrational behaviors.

Day-long training: Fair & Impartial Policing led by Fair and Impartial Policing, LLC in January 2019. (HC and BMC) Concept of implicit bias, demonstrate how implicit biases can impact the perception and behavior of officers, and through a series of interactive exercises, develop the skills for safe, effective, and just “policing.”

Counseling Services, Reggie Jones, and Polly O’Keefe, provided training for campus safety to discuss how best to work with students in distress especially when Protocall needs to be called. In addition, to provide other outside resources especially when students call after business hours.

Diversity- Exploring Identities Training led by Qui Alexander in May 2018. (Both HC and BMC) Interactive session on critical conversations including what is “suspicious” behavior, how to say no positively, and how to ask for College ID all using professional courtesy.

At BMC (Campus Safety has changed a variety of its practices over the past two years (16-17) as the office works to partner more effectively with students. These include:

  • Officers identifying themselves to students through name badges and business cards
  • Discontinuing use of outside security and police assistance for large student parties, and providing students overseeing parties with walkie-talkies to call for assistance only as needed
  • Adding a complaint / compliment form to its website
  • Instituting a new policy on approaching / stopping individuals

Diversity training session focused on race and ethnicity led by Qui Alexander in May 2017. (Both HC and BMC)

Day-long training on sexuality and gender identity issues led by Qui Alexander in summer in June of 2016. (Both HC and BMC)

Diversity and Inclusion Training led by Melissa J Morris- Consulting (Interactive session to examine privilege and how it consciously and unconsciously effects interactions between campus safety officers and students) August 2015. (HC and BMC)

Gender Identity (LBGTQ+ /Trans/Pronouns) Training led by Stephanie Nixon (only BMC staff) on June 11, 2014

Run/Hide/Fight video for Active Shooter training (March 2013)


Contact Us

Campus Safety Department

John Maloney Memorial Building
Phone: (610) 526-7911

Lil Burroughs
Bi-Co Executive Director, Campus Safety
Phone: (610) 526-7911