
Resume & Career Planning

Many students will be considering what kind of work they want to do in the world and how their time at ůůֱ can help them learn more and gain valuable experience. Students may also be eager to put what they have been learning in the classroom into practice. Reflection with our Career and Civic Engagement Center staff can help, as sophomores draft a resume and receive feedback as part of the Sophomore Plan.

Drafting the Resume for the Sophomore Plan  

The Career & Civic Engagement Center is here to support students as they develop their resume – whether they are putting their first draft together or updating an existing resume. The resume component of the Sophomore Plan will help students communicate a summary of their experiences and convey their interests. Plus, they can use their resume to apply for summer internships, research and volunteer opportunities!  

We encourage students to think broadly about the experiences they include on their resume such as volunteering, clubs and activities, jobs and internships, leadership, athletics, etc. Sophomores have engaged in more resume-worthy experiences than they think! Students who are interested in finding new opportunities can check out the Career and Civic Engagement Center wٱ, , and the list of student clubs at ůůֱ to get started. &Բ;

Submitting the Sophomore Plan Resume for Review

We offer two ways to complete this portion of the Sophomore Plan; students should choose the one that works best for them. More details will be provided to students via the Deans Newsletters in the fall semester.    

Option 1: Submit a copy of the resume draft in Handshake and receive written feedback from a Career Engagement Staff member. There are fall and winter break due dates each year for this option.  

To submit the resume in Handshake, students should: 

  1. Login to  using their college login  
  2. Complete their profile (this ensures students get relevant job, internship, event and resources recommendations). 
  3. Click on their name in the top right and select "Documents" 
  4. Click "Add New Document"   
  5. Under Document Type, choose "Resume"  
  6. Rename the file SophomoreResume_LastName_FirstName before uploading it. Students can upload multiple resumes in Handshake; this will ensure we review the appropriate one. 

Option 2: Meet with a staff member to review the  together.    

  • Schedule an appointment with a career peer or career counselor in . Select the “Sophomore Plan Resume Review” appointment type when scheduling. 
  • Participate in RESUMANIA!   

Each October, students can participate in Resumania where they attend a 20-minute virtual or in-person "Resumania Appointment" in Handshake to review resumes with one of our amazing career peers! Students receive helpful feedback, complete the resume draft component of the Sophomore Plan, and win prizes!  

Need help getting started? The Career and Civic Engagement Center is here to help!   

Learning More about Career Paths

The Dean’s Office and the Career and Civic Engagement Center are here to support you as you explore your interests and potential career paths. Here are a few resources to help you reflect and gather additional information. The more students learn about their chosen pursuits, the more they realize there are many factors to consider and that career interests do not always dictate major selection.  We especially encourage you to check out the following: 

Links and log-in instructions are available at the Career and Civic Engagement Center career database page

Connect with Alums! 

  • As you think about exploring academic majors, pursuing internships, or getting more civically involved, a wonderful approach is to talk to alumnae/i! Alums in  are eager to share their stories, experiences and advice with you. 
  • Attend alumnae/i chats to connect with alums who are excited to share their experiences with students; check out the schedule in . 
  • Apply for an externship to shadow an alum at their job during winter and spring breaks and get a firsthand glimpse into a field of interest; look for application details in Handshake later this year. 

There are many people on campus available to talk with you about your interests including your dean, major adviser, professors and the Career and Civic Engagement Center. To meet with a career counselor in Career Engagement, schedule an appointment in .