Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the Science Support Services Department (SSSD) do?
A: Building management, lab instrumentation set up, analytical instrument troubleshooting and repair, accept deliveries of lab equipment and instrumentation for proper handling, chemical inventory, design and build scientific instruments and any other support that faculty and students in the sciences need.

Q: Should Facilities or SSSD be called?
A: Facilities (7930) or after hours, Campus Safety (7911) should be called for all emergencies. If there is a problem with the building that can wait, then either call the building advocate or SSSD to have a work order put in. If there is a problem with a piece of equipment then call or email SSSD (

Q: Who should I contact if I need...?
A: You can access the SSSD workflow process and contact information on the Contact Us and Workflow Process page of this site.

Q: I have an idea for______! Whom should I contact?
A: You can contact anyone in the SSSD with any ideas you have involving the sciences and we will be sure that the appropriate person makes contact with you.

Q: Can we borrow tools and/or equipment from the Machine Shop?
A: We do lend out some hand tools to people that will be using them in the building. Our machine shop does a wide variety of tasks in a day and we never know what tool we will need so lending out tools becomes a problem for us when we need it. We do not lend tools out overnight or to be taken off campus.

science support

Contact Us

Science Support Services Department

Bob Beyer
Machine and Instrument Shop
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Phone: 610-526-7492