Technology Use, Access, and Disposal

This policy governs the use of College-owned technology including computers, mobile devices, peripherals, software, etc.

All software and equipment purchased via College budgets (including grants and research funds) is considered to be property of the College.

Use of all College IT resources including computers, mobile devices, software, services, and the College network are subject to the Acceptable Use Policy.

College Equipment

LITS keeps an inventory of College equipment.  Computers and some other items are provisioned with a College asset tag.  Do not remove this tag.  If the tag becomes accidentally damaged or detached, contact LITS via the Help Desk and we will provide a replacement.

Computers are provided with a College software configuration including a suite of College software, anti-virus/endpoint protection, and a variety of other security settings.  In the future this is likely to also include an encryption suite.  While we allow additional software packages to be installed by individuals, some software and settings are intentionally unalterable.  Your College-owned computer(s) must run a College-provided configuration.  If your work requires variations, speak to your field technician or contact the Help Desk to consult with LITS on an agreeable solution.

We recommend replacing four-year-old or older computers.  We are unable to provide support or assistance for desktop computers older than six years, and laptops over four years.  Support of other devices such as tablets, netbooks, and mobile devices may vary, and it may be recommended to replace these with greater frequency; please query as needed.  

Equipment that has aged beyond the ability to run a current Operating System must be removed from the network.  As of this writing, Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 are permitted on the network.  Windows 7 will exit Extended Support on January 14, 2020 and will no longer be allowed on the network at that time.  For Macs, OS 10.10 and newer is permitted and supported.  10.9 is permitted at present but has a known security flaw and should be upgraded immediately.

Individual Computers

The College is dedicated to providing a primary computer for use by each person who has a job-related need, as described in the Provisioning of Faculty/Staff Primary Computers and Computer Replacements policy.

When a staff or faculty member departs the College, their primary computer returns to the central College equipment pool regardless of departmental contribution. Replacement computers and “upgrade” equipment are part of the College’s central computer pool.  If a position is vacated, the computer returns to Library & Information Technology Services to be securely held for future staff or for use elsewhere in the College.

Department Computers (including secondary, operational, grant, and research equipment)

Grant, start-up, or research fund equipment returns to LITS upon a faculty member’s departure unless indicated to LITS by the Provost’s office.  Department purchased equipment remains with the department unless there is no use for it or it or it has aged beyond useful life (see above). 

Displays and Printers

The College has invested in a fleet of shared copiers throughout campus and all employees may use these to print, regardless of location.  On rare occasions where a workspace does not have reasonable access to one of these machines, LITS may fund a black and white network printer for this area.  LITS does not fund individual printers and will purchase and/or maintain only some models; please used shared printing resources wherever possible.

Displays are often replaced on the same cycle as computers (as above), but LITS may postpone the replacement of displays, and/or will sometimes ask those who feel their needs are being met by an older display to postpone requesting replacement.  Historically, there have been times when display technology has moved more slowly than that of desktop computers and displays have had a useful life of 5-8 years.

Disposing of Unwanted Equipment

If your department is no longer using computers or related equipment, please call the Help Desk (, x7440) to arrange for pickup so the items may be properly disposed of (or reused around campus if applicable). This is required of all equipment in the College’s inventory so it may be properly retired. This process includes the proper removal of stored data if applicable.

For other equipment (such as a personal computer or device, TV, printer, etc.), whether College owned or personal, it is environmentally irresponsible and often illegal to throw these items in the regular trash. We are happy to arrange for the proper disposal of these items; contact the Help Desk (, x7440). Do not place any items which may contain your data or any College files in a tech recycling box. Data should be properly removed before disposal. Tech recycling boxes around campus are not provided by LITS.

LITS does not re-sell equipment to community members.  We dispose of equipment via donation to local non-profits (no software provided), and via a responsible recycler.

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