Quick How-To Tips for Web Editors

This is a concise and practical guide that provides information on rules, best practices, and style when adding and editing content on the College's public website. Our goal is to be clear, informative, and consistent when communicating via our website.

Questions? Email Chelsea DiCarlo in Communications. 

Institutional Voice

When publishing on ůůֱ²¥'s website, please use a voice consistent with the institution overall.

AP Style

ůůֱ²¥ uses , including the commonly used guidelines below.

Website Formatting

When publishing on ůůֱ²¥'s website, please use the formatting styles consistent with the overall site.

Academic Departments (Capitalization)

Academic department names are capitalized when referring specifically to the department, not to the subject matter. 

Department of Geology. But: The geology department is highly regarded.

She is a geology major.

All Caps: Avoid

Don't use all caps, for emphasis or as header text. It tends to be more difficult to read, and screen readers tend to interpret all caps as an acronym. Use heading styles, bold text, or italics for emphasis if needed.

Building Names: Update

Note that beginning in 2017-2018 building name references have changed in a couple of cases:

New: Old Library
Old: College Hall

New: Great Hall
Previous: Thomas Great Hall


The Bi-College Consortium between ůůֱ²¥ College and nearby Haverford College has been a close collaborative relationship for decades, and is commonly known as the Bi-Co. Students at the two institutions can cross-register for classes and majors, as well as use facilities at both schools. There are Bi-Co offices for campus safety, dining, and transportation between the two campuses via the iconic Blue Bus.  

The Tri-College relationship includes Swarthmore College. Under the Tri-Co, the three schools share an academic calendar and wide cross registration.

Calendar References and Abbreviations (Days/Months)

In accordance with AP Style, when referencing a specific date, such as Jan. 20, 2017, abbreviate Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. Spell out March, April, May, June, July.

Spell out the days of the week.

The College

When referring to ůůֱ²¥ College, the word "College" is capitalized when referring specifically to ůůֱ²¥ (e.g., the College, College libraries).

Contact Information

Shorthand such as using a question mark or question marks identifying contact information should be avoided. Make sure this information is clearly conveyed. Use full phone numbers whenever possible, rather than just an extension.

Contact: Matt Gray at mgray@brynmawr.edu.
For more information, contact Matt Gray.
Questions? Contact Matt Gray at mgray@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-6528.

Matt Gray at mgray@brynmawr.edu.
?? Matt Gray at mgray@brynmawr.edu.

Exclamation Points: Avoid

In general, while using the occasional exclamation point isn't the end of the world, try to avoid using them for emphasis, particularly multiple times in a paragraph or item (and never use more than one at a time).


In an article headline, use single quote marks. Don't use all caps for emphasis. Use long dashes, not double short dashes. Keep headlines short. Use title case (capitalize first letter of each word other than those less than four letters that are not nouns, verbs, or other important parts of speech).

These rules generally apply to page headings as well.

Page title example:
Campus and Emergency Phone Map

Article headline example:
'Art and China After 1989: Theater of the World' is Centerpiece of Student Trip to Guggenheim

Heading Styles

Use these as subheadings to establish an order of importance for content on the page (most commonly used are Heading 2/H2 and Heading 3/H3). This is a more accessible way of establishing a page hierarchy than just using bold text for a header or other means of emphasis.

Linking Within Text

Build your link within the text of a sentence, rather than just copying and pasting the URL or document path:

For more information, visit the Dean's Office Sophomore Plan page.

Not recommended:
For more information, click /deans/sophomore-plan.

Same thing when linking to a document: link within the text.

To learn more, read the Faculty Guide for Helping Students in Need (Word doc).

Not recommended:
To learn more, read /sites/default/files/media/documents/2022-04/Haverford-BiCo-Math-Colloquium-Michael-Dougherty_04.25.22%20%28r%29.pdf

Note: For accessibility and other reasons, information on a webpage is generally preferable to using PDFs or other uploaded documents on the site.


The spelling Mawrter is preferred when using the informal term for a member of the ůůֱ²¥ College community (usually students or alumnae/i), rather than Mawrtyr.

Names (Students, Alumnae/i, Faculty, etc.)

Current student example:
Diamond Ray '18

Undergraduate alumna example:
Molly Reese '67

The A.B. undergraduate degree is generally not used unless accompanied by the M.A. (see example below).

Graduate alumnae examples:
Jaclyn Lang, A.B./M.A. '09
JoAnne Fischer, M.S.S. '73
Dana Becker ’69, M.S.S. ’82, Ph.D. ’91

Haverford example:
Dave Barry (HC '69)

Faculty example:
ůůֱ²¥ of Geology Arlo Weil
ůůֱ²¥ Arlo Weil, chair of the Department of Geology
Arlo Weil, professor and chair of the Department of Geology

Serial/Oxford Comma

We generally use serial commas (the last comma in "We went to the store, the mall, and the park" is a serial comma).


Use one space after periods.

Time of Day

In accordance with AP Style, it's:

8 a.m. (Not 8:00.)
7:30 p.m.
(Not 12 noon or 12 midnight, or 12 a.m. or 12 p.m.)

Titles (Composition)

Italicize titles of books, publications, plays, etc. (This is a departure from AP Style, which uses quote marks.)

Note: Since italics don't render in page headings or article headlines, use single quotes for composition titles in these uses.

Underline: Avoid

Underlining for emphasis and for links is an outdated practice. Use bold or italics for emphasis instead. 


Contact Us

College Communications

ůůֱ²¥ College
101 N. Merion Ave.
ůůֱ²¥, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-6520
Fax: 610-526-6525
Admissions: admissions@brynmawr.edu 

Package Delivery
Dolwen House
221 N. Roberts Road
ůůֱ²¥, PA