Nicholas Patruno: In memoriam, 24 maggio 2020

In memoriam, 24 maggio 2020

Nicholas Patruno

On behalf of the Italian department of ůůֱ College I announce with deep pain the death of Prof. Emeritus Nick Patruno.

After his retirement, Nick remained an anchor for the Italian Department and the ůůֱ College community as he continued to attend events on campus -lectures and sports- with wit and passion and to participate in all the Italian initiatives -curricular and extracurricular- with an innate ability to attract and charm students, by inspiring sympathia in its Greek etymological meaning: feeling affections for others. Nick had an instinctive loyalty towards people, ideas, things, that led him to nourish a virulent repugnance for everything that represents dishonesty, corruption, and discrimination. He abstained from every form of intolerance.

As a magnanimous chair of the department for many years, rigorous and devoted scholar of “Understanding Primo Levi” (stemming from this title, understanding others became his philosophy of life), diligent and caring teacher, wise and paternal mentor, faithful and generous friend to call in moments of despair or enthusiasm, he tirelessly helped everyone to get back up on their feet. His virtue in Dante's sense, the tendency / natural capacity for good, the moral gift known by its own action, affected others deeply. It rained on others.

Dear Nick, you are with us, here, now. And rest assured that you will not be forgotten here: neither today nor ever. With humility and gratitude, we will try to follow your ethical example, which aimed to create an intellectual and human community in the department and the ůůֱ College community at large.

--Prof. Roberta Ricci
Department Chair

In lieu of flowers, ůůֱ Patruno asked to be remembered with donations to his Department of Italian at ůůֱ College. The College established a dedicated Fund; those donating in ůůֱ Patruno’s name should note that with their gift (on the check or in the “Other Designations” field on the form for online payments). The Department decided that the Patruno Fund will be used to support first generation and migrant students, honoring Nick Patruno's inspiring life and achievements.

Il ůůֱ Patruno ha espresso il desiderio che, invece di fiori, chi volesse ricordarlo effettuasse una donazione al suo Dipartimento di Italiano. ůůֱ College ha stabilito un fondo presso il Dipartimento, cui è possibile donare indicando il nome del ůůֱ Patruno (sull'assegno cartaceo o nella casella "Other Designations" online). Il Dipartimento ha deciso di destinare il fondo al supporto di studentesse 'First Generation' e migranti in onore della straordinaria storia umana e accademica del ůůֱ Patruno.


Online donations:  (Please type "Nick Patruno Fund" in the "Other Designations" field)

By Mail: Please make checks payable to "ůůֱ College, Department of Italian and Italian Studies" and include "Nick Patruno Fund" in the Note, then mail to:

ůůֱ College
Alumnae Relations and Development / Helfarian
101 N. Merion Avenue
ůůֱ, PA 19010-2899

By Phone: Please call 610-526-7380 or 610-526-7395 and specify that your donation is in ůůֱ Patruno's name and destined to the "Nick Patruno Fund" in the Department of Italian and Italian Studies.

Patruno Fund


Contact Us

Transnational Italian Studies Department

Old Library 103
ůůֱ College
101 N. Merion Avenue
ůůֱ, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198
Fax: 610-526-7479

Roberta Ricci, Chair
Phone: 610-526-5048

Leslie Diarra, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198