Michael B. Schulz: Selected Publications

Selected Publications

Michael B. Schulz, "A class of Calabi-Yau threefolds as manifolds of SU(2) structure," 

Michael B. Schulz, Elliott F. Tammaro, "M-theory/type IIA duality and K3 in the Gibbons-Hawking approximation," 

Michael B. Schulz, "T-folds, Doubled Geometry, and the SU(2) WZW Model," ; 

Ron Donagi, Peng Gao, Michael B. Schulz, "Abelian Fibrations, String Junctions, and Flux/Geometry Duality," ;

Albion Lawrence, Tobias Sander, Michael B. Schulz, Brian Wecht, "Torsion and Supersymmetry Breaking," ;

Mirjam Cvetic, Tao Liu, Michael B. Schulz, "Twisting K3 x T2 Orbifolds,"; 

Albion Lawrence, Michael B. Schulz, Brian Wecht, "D-Branes in Nongeometric Backgrounds," ; 

Michael B. Schulz, "Calabi-Yau Duals of Torus Orientifolds," ; 

Michael B. Schulz, "Superstring Orientifolds with Torsion: O5 Orientifolds of Torus Fibrations and their Massless Spectra," ; 

Shamit Kachru, Michael B. Schulz, Prasanta K. Tripathy, Sandip P. Trivedi, "New Supersymmetric String Compactifications," ; 

Shamit Kachru, Xiao Liu, Michael B. Schulz, Sandip P. Trivedi, "Supersymmetry Changing Bubbles in String Theory," ; 

Shamit Kachru, Michael B. Schulz, Sandip P. Trivedi, "Moduli Stabilization from Fluxes in a Simple IIB Orientifold," ; 

Shamit Kachru, Michael B. Schulz, Eva Silverstein, "Bounds on Curved Domain Walls in 5D Gravity," ; 

Shamit Kachru, Michael B. Schulz, Eva Silverstein, "Self-Tuning Flat Domain Walls in 5D Gravity and String Theory," ; 

Edwin Karat, Michael B. Schulz, "Self-Adjoint Extensions of the Pauli Equation in the Presence of a Magnetic Monopole," ; 

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