Colloquia and Events 2015/16

The weekly Classics Colloquia provide an informal meeting ground for the College's lively community of undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty who are interested in classical subjects. Each year, the series brings to campus a number of distinguished speakers on a variety of literary, archaeological, and historical subjects.

Fall 2015 Classics Colloquia

Student Report Poster
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News from Abroad:
Reports from the Field

Sept. 11


Solodow Poster
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Joseph Solodow
Yale University
“Livy XXI: Historical Aims and Methods”

Sept. 18


Scardino Poster
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Carlo Scardino
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
“From Athens to Rome and from Alexandria to Baghdad: A Comparison Between Two Cultural Transfers”

Sept. 25

Magee Poster
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Peter Magee
ůůֱ College
“When and How Was the Dromedary Camel Used for Overland Trade in the Ancient Near East?”

Oct. 2

Potts Poster
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The C. Densmore Curtis Lecture, presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology
Daniel Potts
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU
“Recent Explorations in the Highlands of Southern Armenia"

Oct. 23

Agocs Poster
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Peter Agócs
University College London
“Pindar's Hyporchemes and the
Problem of Reconstructing Lost Genres"

Oct. 30

Steiner Poster
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Deborah Steiner
Columbia University
“Fabricating the Chorus: Weaving,Textile-Production and Choral Performances in the Early Greek Visual and Poetic Sources”

Nov. 6

Grad Group Symposium Poster
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10th Biennial Graduate Group Symposium, "Bright Lights, Big City: The Development and Influence of the Metropolis," presented by the Graduate Students in the Departments of Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art
Ellen Morris
Barnard College/Columbia University
"Psychogeography and the Ancient Metropolis"

Nov. 13

Conybeare Poster
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Catherine Conybeare
ůůֱ College
“An Eccentric Approach to Augustine of Hippo”

Nov. 20

Graverini Poster
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Luca Graverini
University of Siena
“How to Read a Novel:
Curiosity and the Emotions in Apuleius”

Dec. 4

Rose Poster
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C. Brian Rose
University of Pennsylvania
“The Golden Age of King Midas:
Recent Excavations at Gordion, Turkey”

Dec. 11

Spring 2016 Classics Colloquia

Garrison Poster
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Mark Garrison
Trinity University
"The Seal of Arsama, 'Prince of the House':
Persepolis, Egypt, and Oxford"

Jan. 22

Gibson Poster
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Roy Gibson
University of Manchester
“To Como Then I Came: on Writing the
Modern Biography of an Ancient Roman”

Jan. 29

Schultz Poster
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Celia Schultz
University of Michigan
“Must There be Blood?
Ritual Sacrifice Among the Romans”

Feb. 5

Moore Poster
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Christopher Moore
Pennsylvania State University
“When Could the Greeks Say
‘Become a Philosopher!’?”

Feb. 12

Van Andriga Poster
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William Van Andringa
Université de Lille 3
“The Monument and the Tomb: About the Forms and the Time of Memory in the Necropolis of Porta Nocera at Pompeii (1st cent. AD)”

Feb. 19

Konstan Poster
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The Agnes Michels Lecture presented by the Graduate Students in the Department of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies.
David Konstan
NYU and Brown University (Emeritus)
“Of Love and Loyalty: Ancient Greece and Today”

Feb. 26

Pezzini Poster
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Giuseppe Pezzini
Oxford University
“Terence, Menander, and the
Color Vitae: an Idea of Realism”

March 18

Tully Poster
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John Tully
“Display on Delos, Hegemony
in the Hellenistic Aegean”

March 25


Kouloumentas Poster
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Stavros Kouloumentas
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
“Prodicus on the Origins of Religion”

April 1


Bassett Poster
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Sarah Bassett
Indiana University
“Style and Meaning in Late Antique Art"

April 15


Stark Poster
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Caroline Stark
Howard University
“Lysistrata(s): Aristophanes to Spike Lee”

April 22


Freed Poster
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Joann Freed
Adjunct ůůֱ, University of Alberta; ůůֱ Emerita, Wilfrid Laurier University
"Paul Gauckler versus Père Delattre: The Struggle to Control Archaeology at Carthage at the Turn of the 20th Century"

May 6


Contact Us

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies

Old Library 103
ůůֱ College
101 N. Merion Avenue
ůůֱ, PA 19010-2899
Phone: 610-526-5198

Catherine Conybeare, Chair

Leslie Diarra, Academic Administrative Assistant
Phone: (610) 526-5198