Study Away/Transfer Credit

I’m an econ major interested in studying away. What do I need to do?

 Planning ahead is the key to successfully balancing a semester or (in exceptional circumstances) a year abroad with the Economics major. There are four parts to planning ahead:

  • Taking Econ 105 during freshman year.  It is virtually impossible to major and spend junior year away (and challenging to spend a semester away) unless a student has completed Econ 105 during the freshman year.
  • Taking the necessary courses at ůůֱ²¥ before studying away. Students planning a semester or junior year away must complete the statistical methods and intermediate theory courses (200, 202 and 253) before going abroad. 
  • Exploring study abroad programs that pique your interest, identifying courses that fit your background, interests and major plan.
  • Signing up for the major and consulting with econ faculty about study away well before the February deadline

Majors contemplating study away must consult with the department chair well before the February application deadline. As part of this consultation, the major should consider:

  • how the student will meet all the requirements for the major, including 200, 202 and 253 
  • the courses most appropriate for her major while studying away
  • how the student will meet the prerequisites for her courses while studying away
  • how the study away experience will complement or complicate the thesis writing experience

If a student wants a particular course to count toward the Economics major or minor, the student must obtain approval from the department chair before confirming registration at the host institution.

Does the economics department have information about specific study abroad programs or specific study away courses that can be used to satisfy the department’s requirements?

Not really. The study abroad office is the best place to find resources about study abroad programs. However most universities with economics departments will offer economics courses that will transfer for credit. If you have a question about whether a particular course would be granted economics credit, email your advisor a copy of the syllabus or course description before you go abroad so s/he can make that determination.

Can I get transfer credit for classes taken elsewhere?

Yes, provided it is an economics course, taught in an economics department at a four-year college/university by a Ph.D. economist. Majors must get approval for any course taken elsewhere before taking the class. You do this by providing your advisor or department chair a copy of the syllabus of the course you propose to take. Transfer credit is not routinely granted for courses taken in business schools or outside economics departments. Transfer credit will not be granted for a course that substantially duplicates a course you have taken at ůůֱ²¥. Always get approval from your advisor before you take the course.

While studying away (abroad or domestically), I took different economics courses than the ones I discussed with my advisor. How do I get credit for these courses?

You should get approval for the courses before confirming your registration at your study-away institution. Failing that, there is no guarantee that the courses will be granted credit. To see if they are, you will need to submit a copy of the syllabus (and possibly final exams) to your advisor so the department can make a determination about transfer credit. Transfer credit is routinely granted at the 200-level for economics courses, taken in economics departments and taught by Ph.D. economists; it is not routinely granted for courses taken in business schools or outside economics departments. Check with your advisor before you take the course!

Can I get transfer credit for economics courses I take in the summer?

Yes. Get approval from your advisor before you take the course. Follow the procedure for transfer credit.

I was away last semester/year.  How is credit granted for the economics courses I took?

Get approval for your courses beforehand. Follow this procedure.

Dalton Hall

Contact Us

Department of Economics

114 Dalton Hall
ůůֱ²¥ College
101 N. Merion Avenue
ůůֱ²¥, PA 19010
Phone: 610-526-5030 or 610-526-5331

Dawn Lord, Administrative Assistant