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Molly Seavy-Nesper ’12

She describes the College as “a gift of four years where I could focus on myself and my friendships and my academic interests. … So by the time that I was out in the ‘real world,’ I was already fully formed, and I wasn't going to change because of patriarchy.”

She describes the College as “a gift of four years where I could focus on myself and my friendships and my academic interests. … So by the time that I was out in the ‘real world,’ I was already fully formed, and I wasn't going to change because of patriarchy.”

A year out of college, Molly Seavy-Nesper ’12 was living back home and, by her own admission, feeling “very lost.”

Radio—and in particular Fresh Air and its host Terry Gross—was a lifeline. “When I was miserable in Massachusetts, working in retail and restaurants, I listened to Fresh Air in the car,” she says, “and I remember those interviews.

Back then, she couldn’t have imagined that, within the year, she’d land a Fresh Air internship. Or that the internship would lead to “the best job I could have in my field.”

A French and Cities double major at ůůֱ, Seavy-Nesper today works as associate producer of digital media for Fresh Air. In that role, she’s the person responsible for managing the program’s digital presence—building webpages, running social media, and handling the podcast. 

Read the full story in the Alumnae Bulletin magazine.

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