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Mawr Insight: Visits & Events

by Katarina Karris-Flores, Senior Assistant Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Visits & Events
"I remember visiting ůůֱ²¥ and I felt that throughout my visit all the priorities on my list were checked off."

"I remember visiting ůůֱ²¥ and I felt that throughout my visit all the priorities on my list were checked off."

 It can feel overwhelming to think about developing your list of colleges to apply to, but it can also feel exciting to envision yourself in your new college community. Whether it be grabbing a meal with your friends, studying late in the library, or conducting research with your professor— visiting your potential college campus can help you envision yourself there. 


When I was in high school visiting colleges as a prospective student, I remember feeling anxious and excited. As I approached my senior year, I created a list of priorities that I was looking for in a school, and this helped me narrow down my options. I prioritized schools that had a residential community, a close connection to a city, and a student body with less than 2000 students. I remember visiting ůůֱ²¥ and I felt that throughout my visit all the priorities on my list were checked off. What really sold me on my visit, though, was my Tour Guide—she was so engaging and warm. She made me feel like ůůֱ²¥ was the college community that would be crucial for my growth as a woman and a scholar.  

Katarina and friends at May Day,

Now, as Senior Assistant Director of Admissions and Coordinator of Visits & Events, I can still say that we have a fantastic group of Tour Guides in our office, and they all have wonderful and diverse experiences to share with our visitors! I encourage you to connect with them on tour, via email, or , and ask them your questions. You could ask, What is it like attending a women’s college? How has ůůֱ²¥â€™s liberal arts curriculum shaped you as a scholar? What does the ůůֱ²¥ community mean to you? Asking questions like these can help you envision yourself at ůůֱ²¥. 

Before visiting a college, it’s also always a good idea to explore their website to see what the community is like and what types of academic offerings they have. From there, I recommend preparing a list of five questions to ask the tour guides and admissions staff that you meet. For example, you can ask questions about academic rigor, residential life, student activities, research, and fun traditions on campus. We love to answer your questions and to learn about what you want to get out of your college experience!  

"Know that it’s okay for your list of colleges to change, especially after a visit."

Just beginning your college search? Know that it’s okay for your list of colleges to change, especially after a visit. Starting the summer as a rising senior, I recommend creating an excel document with your list of schools to list important due dates, financial aid information, essay questions, application requirements, and important notes from campus visits. You can always reach out to your admissions counselor if you have questions regarding your application! 

This fall, ůůֱ²¥ has a variety of visit options! We offer in-person daily campus visits, with select Saturday visits. Can't make it to campus in-person? No problem! We offer monthly virtual information sessions, bi-monthly Tour Guide Hangouts, and and ²õ±ð²õ²õ¾±´Ç²Ô²õ.🦉&²Ô²ú²õ±è;&²Ô²ú²õ±è;

Hope to meet you on campus soon! 

Ready to get to know ůůֱ²¥ a bit better?

Meet us in person or virtually to get a real feel for what it's like to be a Mawrter. Check out our fall event offerings to build out the schedule that works for you. See you soon!

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