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Toba Kerson, GSSWSR ůůֱ²¥ Emeritus, Fulbright Specialist, Visits Israel

March 14, 2016

Mary Hale Chase ůůֱ²¥ Emeritus Toba Kerson has just returned from three weeks in Israel as a Fulbright Specialist. She was a guest of the Baerwald School of Social Work at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. During that time, ůůֱ²¥ Kerson taught an intensive week-long course on Disability as a part of a launch of a new program that the School is offering in Disability Studies.  In addition, she gave the Arnulf Pins Lecture on the subject of Disability Moments.  Å¯Å¯Ö±²¥ Kerson also consulted with several professors from the School of Social Work and other graduate programs in the university, and she met with representatives of a range of agencies in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa, spent a day with Magen David Adom, the Israeli organization that manages all ambulance and blood services, had a tour of a reservoir where waste water is treated for reuse and learned about desalination and other means of preserving and treating water, visited a medical center located in a shopping mall, and met with the risk manager of a large hospital system.

For her second Fulbright Specialist visit, ůůֱ²¥ Kerson will spend two weeks in May at the L'institut Regional du Travail Social - PACA & Corse, which trains social workers for the southern most tier of France including Corsica.