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The authors are grateful to Allison Smith and Kevin Spence for comments and suggestions on earlier versions of this paper. Abstract This study explored opinions relating to the war on terrorism for seven groups of participants in the 2007 Pew poll of U.S Muslims: African-American Muslims and Muslims born in Iran, Pakistan, other South Asian countries, Arab countries, European countries, and sub-Saharan African countries. For all seven groups, half or more of respondents did not believe the U.S. war on terrorism is sincere but less than ten percent had favorable opinions of Al Qaeda or justified suicide bombing in defense of Islam. Within these general similarities two groups stood out. Iran-born Muslims were on average less religious than other groups, reported higher education and income, and their opinions about the war on terrorism were strongly related to individual differences in religiosity, perception of discrimination, and opposition to the war in Iraq. African-American Muslims reported lower education and income than other groups and were more negative about the war on terrorism, but their opinions were not related to religiosity, discrimination, or politics. These results indicate that U.S. Muslims are not a homogenous community; understanding Muslim views of the war on terrorism will require study of origin-based subcultures. There can be little doubt that different diaspora groups in the U.S. have brought with them different subcultures. Irish, Italian, and Jewish immigrants to New York City famously created neighborhoods and communities of their own, and other major U.S. cities saw similar ethnic neighborhoods develop. Muslim immigrants to the U.S. have done the same, including Iranians in Los Angeles, Somalis in Minneapolis, and Lebanese in Detroit. These immigrant communities reproduce to some extent their homeland traditions in language, religion, and politics as well as food and music preferences. There is reason to believe that different Muslim communities in the U.S. may also have different views of political issues and government policies. Such differences might arise initially from the political contexts that moved different groups to emigrate from their home lands. Many Iranians came to the U.S., for instance, when the Shah was toppled. Somalis came to the U.S. when famine and violence made their homeland a dangerous place. But the experience of diasporas in their new homes must also play a role in determining immigrants political and social attitudes. For example, some believe that the European experience of jihadist terrorism has been worse than the U.S. experience because Europe is less accepting of immigrants (e.g. Fukuyama, 2006; Sageman, 2008). Recognizing that immigrant groups can differ markedly in their cultures and their political viewpoints should suggest caution about general characterizations of Muslims in any Western country. In the U.S., Muslims from Arab countries, Iran, or South Asia are likely to differ in many important ways, including their views of U.S. policies and the war on terrorism. In this paper we explore opinions of different groups of U.S. Muslims about issues relating to the war on terrorism. Using data from the 2007 Pew poll of U.S. Muslims we compare groups of U.S. Muslims defined by country of birth, with special attention to converts to Islam. Muslims in the U.S.: Comparison by Origins If Muslims in the U.S. are in fact a congeries of distinct communities, how can we learn about their differences? The obvious approach is opinion polling but in practice it is difficult to get polling data that can represent tiny fractions of a population. Muslims in the U.S. constitute less than one percent of the population, and different ethnic and diaspora groups of Muslims are correspondingly smaller percentages. Standard polling methods, such as random-digit dialing or address sampling, are impractical when the target group will comprise less than one percent of those sampled. Nevertheless, there have been polls of U.S. Muslims, using one or both of two approaches to getting the sample. The first approach is to accumulate Muslim respondents who turn up in national polls using standard probability sampling techniques. Over many national polls, many Muslims are identified and then these individuals can be contacted all at once in a poll targeting only Muslims. The second approach is to sample only from neighborhoods known to have a relatively high proportion of Muslim residents. The odds of calling a Muslim can thereby be raised, although Muslims living outside Muslim neighborhoods will be undersampled in this approach. Polls of U.S. Muslims have typically used a combination of the two approaches, but the samples thus obtained have usually been 500 or fewer individuals too few to permit fractionating the sample to compare subgroups defined by homeland or ethnic origins. The 2007 Pew survey of U.S. Muslims is an exception, with a sample size of 1050. Our study takes advantage of this larger sample to compare groups of U.S. Muslims based on country of birth. African-American Muslims. It is believed that there has been an African-American Muslim presence in the United States since the eighteenth century slave trade, though the bulk of the African-American Muslim population growth has occurred during the 20th and 21st centuries. Estimates of the African-American Muslim population have varied widely: Turner (2004) has estimated that 42% of Muslims in the United States (4-6 million, by his estimate) are African-American. Pew (2007, p. 1), on the other hand, estimated that 2.35 million Americans are Muslim, and estimated that 20% of that number are African-American (suggesting approximately 470,000 African-American Muslims). Pew further estimates that about half of all Muslims who were born in the United States are African-American, many of them converts (Pew Research Center, 2007). African-American Muslims are typically members of one of several (typically Sunni) groups, including the American Society of Muslims (the descendent of the original Nation of Islam), the new Nation of Islam (now led by Louis Farrakhan), the Five Percenters, the Dar ul-Islam, the Islamic Mission of America, and other smaller organizations. We will refer to African-American Muslims throughout this paper. Though some use the term Black Muslims, historically this term has had specific connotations in relation to one group, the Nation of Islam, and thus may not take into account all of the groups of African-Americans practicing Islam in the United States (Pluralism Project, n.d.). The longer history of African-American Muslims in the U.S. suggests that they may be culturally and politically different from U.S. Muslims with relatively recent origins in Muslim countries. Thus, rather than looking at all 273 Pew respondents born in the U.S., our analysis focused on the 135 native-born respondents who identified themselves as Black and reported that both parents were also born in the U.S. These 135 represent what we believe is the more culturally homogenous group of African-American Muslims; they are, as Pew (2007) estimated, about half (135/273) of all respondents born in the U.S. Converts. Concerns have been raised that converts to Islam represent a particular security threat in Western countries. Converts to Islam have been singled out for special attention by security forces in Russia (Yasmann, 2009), Switzerland (Islam in Europe, 2010), Germany (Islam in Europe 2010), and the U.S. (Abrams, 2009). The concerns expressed usually do not specify whether converts are particularly susceptible to radicalization or only difficult to guard against because their appearance and cultural background allows them to blend into their native country better than immigrants might. It is possible that converts are more susceptible to radicalization because they are more zealous and fervent in their new religion than those born into that religion. This popular idea was tested in the U.S. Religious Landscape Survey conducted by the Pew Forum in 2007. Reporting on the results of this Survey, Pond and Smith (2009) show that converts to a religion are more fervent, but the differences between converts and born members are small. For instance, 69% of converts and 62% of nonconverts say religion is very important to them; 52% of converts and 44% of nonconverts attend worship once a week. Such small differences in zeal are unlikely to be associated with big differences in political opinions. But these comparisons are averaged across Christian religions; Muslim converts and nonconverts were not compared. It is possible therefore that Muslim converts are much more zealous than born Muslims. Of course being more zealous in a new religion, or being open to further life change after a religious life change, need not mean that converts are more likely to have radical political opinions. More zealous Muslims may know more about their religion and be less susceptible to the eccentric version of Islam that Al Qaeda forwards. Also, being more open to life change may focus a convert on personal rather than political change. Given the uncertainties associated with the idea that Muslim converts are more susceptible to radical opinions, we use the Pew Survey of U.S. Muslims to explore the political opinions of convert and nonconvert Muslims. Overview of the study We analyzed the 2007 Pew Survey of U.S. Muslims to explore two questions. First, are there important differences in the political views of U.S. Muslims as a function of what country they were born in? Second, do converts to Islam have more radical political views than nonconverts? We focus particularly on opinions relating to the war on terrorism. As discussed in Leuprecht et al. (2010), Al Qaeda frames its appeal as follows: the West is conducting a war on Islam, Al Qaeda is leading the Muslim resistance to the war on Islam, and suicide bombing and other attacks on civilians are legitimate because these are the only means open to Muslims against the power of the West. Our analysis focuses therefore on three opinions relating to Al Qaedas frame: belief that the war on terrorism is not sincere, favorable opinion of Al Qaeda, and justification for suicide bombing in defense of Islam. Methods Sample Design According to the 2007 Pew report, Muslim Americans: Middle class and mostly mainstream, Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sample of Muslims. Interviews were conducted by telephone between January 24 and April 30, 2007 by the research firm of Schulman, Ronca & Bucuvalas, Inc. (SRBI). After taking into account the complex sample design, the average margin of sampling error on the 1,050 completed interviews with Muslims is +/-5 percentage points at the 95% level of confidence. An analysis of the geographic distribution of the Muslim population was undertaken, using several different sources of data. A key resource was the Pew Research Center database of more than 125,000 telephone interviews conducted between 2000 and 2006 (when planning for this project was completed); it was used to estimate the density of Muslims in each U.S. county. Another resource was data from large government surveys. According to the Pew Research Center (2007), 131 of the total 1050 interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu, or Farsi, rather than English, with all three translated surveys being back-translated by native speakers. Analyses reported here did not use the weighting that Pew used to estimate population values; percentages reported here may therefore differ slightly from corresponding percentages in the Pew report. This report focuses on 1017 respondents who were coded by Pew for country or region of origin: 28 respondents were missing place of birth and 15 were born in countries coded by Pew as other. Of the 273 respondents reporting they were born in the U.S., 135 were identified as African-American Muslims; the remaining 138 respondents do not appear in this report. Thus the total of respondents represented in this report is 869 (=1050-28-15-138). Groups defined by birthplace Two countries had large enough numbers of emigrants for separate analysis: Pakistan (137) and Iran (87). Arab countries combined had 103 emigrants (Pew Research Center, 2007, p.15, used the United Nations Development Programme classification of the Arab region; Arab emigrants in this survey came from Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Morocco, Palestine, Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt). South Asian countries excluding Pakistan (Bangladesh, India, Afghanistan) had 151 emigrants, European countries (including Bosnia and Herzegovina) had 59 emigrants, and sub-Saharan African countries excluding Egypt (Sudan, Somalia, Africa - unspecified) had 107 emigrants. In addition, we identified African-American Muslims as respondents who self-identified as Black and who reported being born in the United States with both father and mother born in the United States. Missing data Some of the items of interest in the Pew Survey may be considered sensitive material, especially items about aspects of the war on terrorism. Possibly related to sensitivity, some items had non-negligible percentages of missing responses (DK or refused). In our tabled results, percentages are calculated without missing responses in the denominator, but we give percent missing for items where this might be of interest. Results Given the relatively small sample sizes for comparisons by origin (ns ranging from 57 to 151), and the many possible comparisons (7 categories of origin, see Table 1), reliance on statistical testing would likely inflate the number of significant results obtained. Rather than statistical significance, we use a criterion of substantive significance in which percentage differences less than 15 percentage points are not interpreted. In addition, we are alert to consistency: if one category of respondent is consistently different from others, we note this pattern for discussion. For correlations, our threshold of substantive significance was magnitude of .25 or greater. Demographics Overall, 47% of 1050 respondents were female; the range across our seven origin groups (Table 1) was from 37% to 48%. Attainment of college level education or more ranged from 44% (Europe-born) to 74% (Iran-born), except African-Americans were lower at 22%. Family income of $75,000 or more ranged from 24% (African-American, Africa-born) to 64% (Iran-born). Full time employment ranged from 49% (African-American, Pakistan-born) to 62% (S. Asia-born). Perception of ones own financial condition as excellent or good ranged from 38% (African-American) to 71% (Pakistan-born). Currently married ranged from 63% (Europe-born) to 82% (Arab-born), except African-Americans were lower at 37%. Converts to Islam ranged from none (Pakistan-born) to 9% (Europe-born), except that African-Americans were mostly converts at 72%. In general, African-American Muslims reported lower socioeconomic status than our six immigrant groups, were less often married, and much more often converts to Islam. Iran-born respondents reported highest education and income. Religiosity Table 2 shows that African-American Muslims spend more time at the mosque than other Muslims: 56% reported that they take part in social or religious activities at the mosque beyond salah and Jumah prayer (Pakistan-born Muslims next highest at 38%). Seventy-nine percent of African-American Muslims endorsed the idea that mosques should express their views on social/political questions (Muslims born in Arab countries next highest at 50%). Taken together, results on these two items indicate that African-American Muslims have more of their social and political life centered in the mosque than other U.S. Muslims. This does not mean exceptional religiosity: African-American Muslims are not substantially different from other Muslims in attending mosque for prayer or belief in the Koran. Also notable in Table 2, Iran-born and Europe-born Muslims are lower than other groups in attending mosque for prayer, other mosque activities, importance of religion, seeing the Koran as the word of God, and wearing the hijab in public. In general these two groups, especially Iran-born Muslims, show less religiosity than other U.S. Muslims. ------------------------ Table 2 about here ------------------------ Experience of discrimination In general, Table 3 shows that substantial minorities of every origin group report experiencing some kind of personal discrimination on account of their religion, and over half of every group see discrimination against Muslims in security surveillance and in press coverage of Islam and Muslims. African-American Muslims (42%) reported a higher rate of others acting suspiciously towards them because of their faith, (Africa-born Muslims next highest 24%). Also, more African-American Muslims (39%) reported being the victims of discrimination in the U.S. (next-highest groups Iran-born, South Asia-born, and Africa-born Muslims -- all at 24%). ------------------------ Table 3 about here ------------------------ Government policies Across seven origin groups and four government items (Table 4), missing responses ranged from 2 to 22 percent. It seems likely that items about U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq would be more threatening for respondents than the item about President Bush, but, perhaps surprisingly, missing rates are at least as high for the latter as for the former. We assume that most of the missing data reflect real uncertainty in response to the question asked. Consistent with this assumption, half or more of each origin group expressed dissatisfaction with the way things are going in the U.S., with the president, and with use of military force in Iraq. For every group, there was less disapproval of military force in Afghanistan than military force in Iraq; nevertheless a substantial minority of every origin group disapproved of using force in Afghanistan. African-American respondents were notably more negative than other groups on two items. They were more dissatisfied than other groups with how things are going in the U.S. (87% dissatisfied versus next highest 58% for Europe-born and Africa-born). They were also more opposed to military force in Afghanistan (77 % versus next highest 56% for Arab-born). ------------------------ Table 4 about here ------------------------ Opinions relating to terrorism Percentages of missing responses for the three terrorism-related items are presented in parentheses in Table 5: 10-20 percent missing for the WOT item, 14-27 percent missing for the AQ item, and 3-11 percent missing for the Violence item. We note that these rates are only slightly higher than missing rates for the four government items in Table 4: 4-12 percent missing for the item about satisfaction with the way things are going, 4-22 percent missing for the items about approval of President Bush, 5-20 percent missing for the item about military force in Afghanistan, and 2-17 percent missing for the item about military force in Iraq. As already noted, missing rates for the four government items suggest that these items were not threatening to respondents. If missing rates for terrorism-related items are only slightly higher than missing rates for government items, then any fear of giving an honest opinion about the war on terrorism appears to have had only slight effect on survey respondents. From another perspective, one might suppose that the most threatening item in Table 5 is the item about justifying suicide bombing in defense of Islam. This item, however, has lower missing rates (2-11 percent) than the WOT item (10-20 percent missing) or the AQ item (14-27 percent missing). Thus, we are inclined to believe that the percentages in Table 5 are only slightly conservative estimates of Muslim respondents opinions relating to the war on terrorism. In general, Table 5 indicates that about half of U.S. Muslims do not believe that the war on terrorism is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism, that fewer than ten percent of U.S. Muslims justify suicide bombing in defense of Islam, and that only a few percent of U.S. Muslims have a positive view of Al Qaeda. Again African-American Muslims stand out from other origin-groups. Seventy-three percent of African-American Muslims reported that they did not consider the U.S. war on terrorism to be a sincere effort to reduce terrorism. This is seventeen percentage points higher than the next-highest group, Iran-born Muslims (56%). ------------------------ Table 5 about here ------------------------ Correlates of opinions about WOT, AQ, and violence in defense of Islam In this section we look for demographic characteristics and opinions that are correlated with the three terrorism-related items represented in Table 5. In particular we are looking for relationships that can shed light on why some respondents see the war on terrorism (WOT) as insincere, or have a favorable opinion of Al Qaeda (AQ), or justify violence against civilians in defense of Islam (Violence). Correlational analyses relating to these three items were carried out after recoding missing responses (DK or refused) as neutral values. The WOT item was originally coded 1 for sincere and 2 for not sincere (dont believe that); missing was recoded 1.5. The AQ item was originally coded 1 very unfavorable, 2 somewhat unfavorable, 3 somewhat favorable, and 4 very favorable; missing was recoded as 2.5. Similarly the justifying violence item was originally coded 1 for violence never justified, 2 for violence rarely justified, 3 for sometimes justified, and 4 for often justified; missing was recoded as 2.5. Given the substantial percent missing for the WOT and AQ items (10-30%), recoding is a conservative approach to correlation such that observed correlations are based as much as possible on the same individuals. With the same logic, correlational analyses were conducted with items listed second, fourth, fifth, sixth and eighth in Table 2 recoded 1.5 for missing data. Similarly recoded for correlational analyses were items listed second through seventh in Table 3, and all four items listed in Table 4. These items were all two-value yes-no items such that 1.5 provided a neutral value. As discussed above, in this and subsequent correlational analyses we used a criterion of substantive significance rather than statistical significance. Statistical tests would make the same size correlation significant or not depending on sample size (here ranging from 59 Europe-born respondents to 194 Arab-born respondents). For our smallest sample, European origin respondents, correlations of about .25 are significant at p<.05 two tailed, and correlations less than this value are unlikely to have practical significance. Thus we here attend only to correlations of magnitude .25 or larger. Intercorrelation of terrorism-related items. Across the seven categories of respondents, correlations of the WOT item with the AQ and Violence items ranged from -.10 to .17 and correlations of the AQ item with the Violence item ranged from .19 to .36. These correlations indicate that responses to the WOT item are not related to responses to the AQ or Violence items, which are consistently but only moderately related. Converts. The first demographic characteristic examined was whether a respondent was a convert or not. Our three terrorism-related items (see Table 5), considered separately for each of six origin groups (no converts among Pakistan-born), produced 18 correlation coefficients (not tabled) linking conversion status with a terrorism-related item. Of the 18 convert correlations, only two are substantial. For Iran-born respondents, converts are more likely to justify violence in defense of Islam (.29). For Europe-born respondents, converts are less likely to see the war on terrorism as insincere (-.26). These two correlations offer little support for the idea that converts are more likely than born Muslims to be negative about the war on terrorism. Converts were also compared with nonconverts for each of the eight religiosity items in Table 2. Across six origin groups (no converts among Pakistan-born) and eight items, only four of forty-eight correlations were .25 or greater. The four were scattered: Iran-born converts more likely than nonconverts to wear the hijab (.47), Europe-born converts were more likely to say that mosques should express social and political opinions (.27), Africa-born converts were more likely to rate religion as important (.44) but, surprisingly, also less likely to say that the Koran is the word of God (-.28). It appears that converts are not generally more religious than nonconverts. Correlates of terrorism-related items: demographics, religiosity, discrimination, and policy opinions. For each origin-group, we correlated each of the three terrorism-related items appearing in Table 5 with each of the items appearing in Tables 1-4 (6 demographic items not including convert status, 8 religiosity items, 7 experience of discrimination items, and 4 items relating to government policies). In order to show how the three terrorism-related items had different correlates, Tables 6 and 7 present correlation coefficients for each origin group for each item that had substantive correlations for at least two origin-groups. Table 6 thus represents the items best correlated with seeing the war on terrorism as insincere, and Table 7 represents the items best correlated with favorable view of Al Qaeda. Table 8 presents correlations for the same items as Table 7, this time related to justifying suicide bombing. Table 6 shows that seeing the WOT as insincere is substantially correlated for most origin-groups with two discrimination items (Muslims singled out, media unfair to Muslims) and with four national policy items (dissatisfied how things are going in the country, disapprove the president, wrong decision in Afghanistan, wrong decision in Iraq). Multiple regression using these six items produced Adjusted Rsquares shown in the last row of Table 6. These correspond to multiple Rs ranging from .17 to .64, with opinions of African-American respondents least predicted by these items. Table 7 shows that favorable evaluation of Al Qaeda is substantially correlated for most origin groups with two demographic items (lower education, lower family income), two religiosity items (thinking of self first as Muslim, often wear hijab), and one national policy item (wrong decision in Afghanistan). Among the thirty-five correlations in Table 7, nineteen are magnitude .25 or better. Multiple regression using four items (hijab item not included because only female respondents) produced Adjusted Rsquares shown in the last row of Table 7. These correspond to multiple Rs ranging from .20 to .42, with opinions of African-American respondents again least predicted. For African-Americans, the highest correlate with favorable opinion of Al Qaeda was worry about not being hired or promoted because of being Muslim (r=.29). This item does not appear in Table 7 because it produced a substantial correlation with the Al Qaeda item for only one origin-group and our criterion for including an item in Tables 6 and 7 was a substantial correlation for at least two origin-groups. But for African-American Muslims the perception of job discrimination was alone a better predictor of opinion of Al Qaeda than the regression prediction based on four items in Table 7 (.29 versus multiple R of .20). Table 8 shows that justifying suicide bombing in defense of Islam is not substantially correlated with the five items that produce substantial correlations with the Al Qaeda item in Table 7. Only three scattered correlations reach our .25 cutoff level. As already noted, there are no useful predictors of justifying suicide bombing. Multiple regression using four items (hijab item again not included) produced Adjusted Rsquares shown in the last row of Table 8. These correspond to multiple Rs ranging from .00 to .11, indicating that justifying suicide bombing was not usefully predicted for any origin group. Taken together, Tables 6-8 suggest two generalizations. The correlates of seeing WOT as insincere are perceptions of discrimination against Muslims and dissatisfaction with national leaders and national policies, whereas the correlates of sympathy for Al Qaeda and justification of suicide bombing are demographic items (younger, lower income), religious items (thinking of self first as Muslim, wearing hijab), and a policy item (wrong decision in Afghanistan). Further, seeing WOT as insincere and opinion of Al Qaeda are better predicted than justification of suicide bombing for which prediction is negligible. Interpretation of this pattern is taken up in the Discussion. Discussion In the Introduction we raised the general question of whether political opinions, in particular opinions related to the war on terrorism, might differ for different subcultures of Muslim Americans. To explore this question, we divided respondents to the 2007 Pew poll of U.S. Muslims into seven groups based on country of birth: African-American (135), Pakistan (137) Iran (87), Arab countries (193), S. Asia not including Pakistan (151), and African countries not including predominantly Arab countries (107). African-Americans were respondents self identifying as Black and reporting they were born in the U.S. of parents who were also both born in the U.S. Then we identified three Pew questions in which opinions could be identified as running against the war on terrorism: seeing the war on terrorism as insincere, favorable opinion of Al Qaeda, and justifying suicide bombing in defense of Islam. In addition we identified nineteen Pew questions about issues that may be related to negative feelings about the war on terrorism: eight items about religiosity, seven items about perception of discrimination against Muslims, and four items evaluating satisfaction with government and government actions in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In broad terms, we examined opinions on these twenty-two items, as well as standard demographics, for each of the seven origin-groups. Then we looked for correlations of demographic items, religion items, discrimination items, and policy opinions with each of the three terrorism-related items for each of the seven groups. Three opinions about terrorism Perhaps our most surprising result is that the three terrorism-related items in the Pew poll are not strongly related. The correlation between positive opinion of Al Qaeda and justifying suicide bombing is consistently positive, but across the seven origin-groups the correlations range from .19 to .36. This level of correlation suggests that opinions about Al Qaeda and opinions about suicide bombing have importantly different origins, and success in changing one of these opinions may have little effect on the other. Even more disconnected, seeing the war on terrorism as insincere is not at all related to opinions of Al Qaeda or suicide bombing. Across the seven origin groups, the correlations range from .10 to .17 consistently close to zero. Not surprisingly, seeing the war on terrorism as insincere has different correlates than favoring Al Qaeda and suicide bombing. Seeing the war on terrorism as insincere is correlated most with perceptions of discrimination against Muslims and disagreement with U.S. policies in Iraq and Afghanistan, whereas positive evaluation of Al Qaeda is correlated most with lower education, lower family income, thinking of self first as a Muslim, wearing the hijab, and opposing U.S. forces in Afghanistan. In short, we began with what we thought were three items tapping opinions about the war on terrorism. Our results indicate that these three are largely separate opinions rather than three aspects of one general opinion about the war on terrorism. General patterns of opinion among U.S. Muslims Across all seven origin-groups of U.S. Muslims, there are some broad consistencies. Religiosity, as indexed by attending mosque frequently, high ratings of the importance of religion, and seeing the Koran as the word of God, is high except for Iran-born and Europe-born. Between a quarter and a half of each origin-group sees itself as Muslim first and American second. About a quarter of each origin group reports having been a victim of discrimination against Muslims. More than half of each origin-group believes that Muslims in the U.S. are singled out for increased surveillance, and that coverage of Islam and Muslims by American news organizations is generally unfair. Half or more of each origin-group are dissatisfied with the way things are going in the U.S., disapprove of then-President George W. Bush, and believe that the U.S. made the wrong decision in using military force against Iraq. About half of each origin-group does not believe that the war on terrorism is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism (73 percent for African-Americans). These results from the most comprehensive available poll of U.S. Muslims give a 2007 snapshot of political dissatisfaction in which most U.S. Muslims oppose U.S. policies relating to the war on terrorism and see their group as discriminated against. Given this level of dissatisfaction, it is perhaps surprising to find that favorable opinion of Al Qaeda is rare: across origin-groups, zero to four percent of respondents are favorable (except 9 percent for African-Americans). More common but still rare is the opinion that suicide bombing against civilian targets is justified in defense of Islam: across origin groups, two percent to ten percent justify this kind of violence. It is possible that these low percentages are conservative estimates, depressed by immigrant fears of expressing anti-American opinions. We argued in the Results section that such depression must be small to the extent that missing rates (Dont Know and Refused) are only slightly higher for the Al Qaeda item than for the item tapping disapproval of President George W. Bush. We assume that few would fear the consequences of expressing a negative view of the President. When we turn from percentages endorsing terrorism-related items to correlations among items, the picture is no longer so consistent across origin-groups. Summarizing these correlations are the multiple regression Rsquares at the bottom of Tables 6-8. For Table 6, predicting view of the war on terrorism as insincere, the seven Rsquares range widely from .03 for African-Americans to .41 for Iran-born. The Rsquares are more similar across origin-groups for predicting favorable view of Al Qaeda (.04 to .18, Table 7) and for predicting justification for suicide bombing (.00 to .11, Table 8), but the wide variation of Rsquares in Table 6 indicates that item correlations can be importantly different for different origin-groups. There are some other hints of origin-group differences in our results that may be worth pursuing in future research. It appears, for instance, that African-American Muslims are in some ways similar to and in some ways different from Africa-born Muslims. Given the many comparisons possible, however, we focus here on two origin groups that appear most different from others: African-American Muslims and Iran-born Muslims. African-American Muslims Across both demographics and opinion items, it is African-Americans who stand out. Compared with other origin-groups, African Americans report lower education and income, are less often married, and are predominantly (72%) converts. They are more likely to report social or religious activities other than prayer at the mosque or Islamic Center and they are more likely to think that mosques should express opinions on day-to-day social and political questions. They are more likely to report that people have acted suspicious of them because they are Muslim, and more likely to report having been a victim of discrimination as a Muslim living in the U.S. They are more dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country and more likely to believe that the U.S. made the wrong decision in using military force in Afghanistan. They are less likely to believe that the U.S. war on terror is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism and tend to have a more favorable opinion of Al Qaeda. These are highlights where the difference between African-American Muslims and other origin groups is particularly large, but on many other items African-Americans are consistently among the more concerned about discrimination in the U.S. and about U.S. government policies. One might suppose that the elements of African-American concerns at the level of group comparisons would be correlated at the individual level. For instance, given that African-American Muslims are most likely to believe that the war on terrorism is not sincere and most likely to believe that the U.S. made the wrong decision in using military force in Afghanistan, one might suppose that it is African-American respondents who are against military force in Afghanistan who are most likely to believe that the war on terrorism is not sincere. But the correlation between opinion about Afghanistan and opinion about the war on terrorism is in fact near zero (.03). For most origin groups, Table 6 shows that seeing the war on terrorism as insincere is associated with perceptions of discrimination, dissatisfaction with government, and opposition to U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq. But for African-American respondents, these same items show no substantial correlations with opinion about the war on terrorism. Regression analyses confirm that prediction based on these items is weakest for African-American Muslims. Similarly, for most origin groups, Table 7 shows that more favorable evaluation of Al Qaeda is generally associated with education and income, thinking of self first as Muslim, and wearing the hijab, or opposition to U.S. action in Afghanistan. But for African-American respondents these same items show no substantial correlations with opinion about Al Qaeda. Again regression analyses confirm that prediction based on these items is weakest for African-American Muslims. The challenge then is to explain how African-American Muslims report the most negative or among the most negative opinions about the war on terrorism, but their negative opinions are not predicted by their perceptions of discrimination, the U.S. government, or government actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here we can offer only the most tentative suggestion. We note that, for African-American respondents, the highest correlates of seeing the war on terrorism as insincere are items tapping general political dissatisfaction: with the way things are going in the country (.20) and with President George W. Bush (.24). For African-American respondents, but for no other origin-group, the highest correlate of a favorable view of Al Qaeda is worry about not being hired or not being promoted because of being a Muslim (.29). This pattern suggests that for African-Americans, opinions about the war on terrorism and about Al Qaeda are derived from opinions about domestic issues, including distrust of government and problems getting a job. In their views of terrorism, African-Americans appear to pay less attention than other origin-groups to U.S. foreign policy, including military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan. In brief, it may be that African-American opinions about the war on terrorism have little to do with the war on terrorism and more to do with dissatisfaction with politics and employment in the U.S. This suggestion cannot be evaluated without additional research. Iran-born Muslims Iran-born Muslims report more education and higher family income than any other origin-group. They are also lowest in religiosity, with lowest mosque attendance (6% attending weekly or more), lowest mosque activities (10% once a week or more), fewest rating religion very important in their lives (28%), fewest seeing the Koran as the word of God (57%), and fewest seeing themselves as Muslim first rather than American first (27%). However, Iran-born Muslims do not stand out for perception of personal or group-level discrimination, or for dissatisfaction with the U.S. government or its policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran-born respondents were lowest in justifying suicide terrorism (2%) but the difference from other origin groups (5-10%) was not great. Correlational results also show something unusual about Iran-born Muslims. Their opinions about the war on terrorism are by far the most strongly predicted by other opinion items, with an adjusted Rsquare of .41 (compared with next highest adjusted Rsquare of .25 for Africa-born Muslims). Opinions of Al Qaeda or opinions about suicide bombing are not strongly predicted, but wearing the hijab is correlated .61 with justifying suicide bombing. Although this correlation represents only the female respondents in the Iran-born group, it is large in relation to other groups for the same item (next highest correlation between wearing the hijab and justifying suicide terrorism is .26 for females in the Africa-born group). What might explain the ways in which Iran-born Muslims stand out from other origin groups? One possibility is a difference in religious sect within Islam. Ninety percent of Iran-born Muslims report themselves as Shia, whereas the other six origin-groups report themselves mostly Sunni with percentages of Shia ranging from 4 to 17 percent. Outside the U.S., however, there is no evidence we are aware of that suggests that Shia are less religious than Sunni. Nor does the Shia versus Sunni difference offer any suggestion about why opinions about the war on terrorism should be more strongly predicted for Iran-born than for other origin groups. Another possibility begins from the observation that Iran-born Muslims report higher education and more income than other origin-groups. One could imagine that respondents with higher socioeconomic status produce more sensitive and more reliable distinctions on opinion items of every sort. Although this might help explain how opinions about the war on terrorism are more strongly predicted for Iran-born Muslims, the better distinctions idea would suggest that opinion of Al Qaeda and opinion about suicide terrorism should also be more strongly predicted for Iran-born Muslims than other origin-groups. But opinions on these two items are not better predicted for Iran-born Muslims than for other origin-groups. We are left with a conundrum. Sect, religiosity, and the ability of other Pew items to predict seeing the war on terrorism as insincereall point to something different about Iran-born U.S. Muslims, but we have so far little help in explaining either their low religiosity or the ability of other Pew items to predict their opinions on the war on terrorism item. Converts vs. nonconverts Across three terrorism-related items (Table 5) and six origin-groups (no converts among Pakistan-born), converts differed substantially (correlation at least .25) from non-converts on only four items spread across three origin-groups. These scattered correlations do not support the idea that Muslim converts are generally more politically extreme than born Muslims. Across eight religion items (Table 2) and six origin-groups, converts differed substantially from non-converts on only four of forty-eight correlations. Perhaps the most direct test of the idea that converts are more religious are the correlations of convert status with rated importance of religion in the respondents life. The six correlations are .09, .02, .06, 00, -.10 and .44; only Africa-born Muslims show converts rating importance of religion higher than born Muslims (.44). Given that six of seven correlations between convert status and importance of religion are negligible, it is not surprising that convert status was unrelated to opinions about terrorism. Our findings with regard to converts are subject to two limitations, however. There were no converts among Pakistan-born respondents, so correlations with conversion status could not be tested. And converts were rare (2-9 percent) in other origin-groups except African-Americans (72 percent), and our comparisons of converts and nonconverts thus depend on data from only 2-5 converts in each origin group, except for African-Americans. Thus it is only for African-American Muslims that we can be confident in saying that converts do not differ from nonconverts in response to the three terrorism-related items or the eight religion items. For African-American Muslims our results should count strongly against the idea that converts to Islam are more religious or more politically extreme. Conclusion We analyzed the 2007 Pew Survey of U.S. Muslims to explore whether opinions relating to the war on terrorism differ for groups defined by the country or region in which respondents were born. Briefly our answer is that differences across origin groups are relatively small, except for two groups. African-Americans generally reported experiencing more discrimination and less support for U.S. military action in Afghanistan. Iran-born Muslims are highest in education and income, lowest in religiosity, and their opinions about the war on terrorism were more strongly predicted by other Pew items. We also raised the question of whether converts to Islam might be more religious and perhaps more politically extreme. Our answer is that they are neither more religious nor more politically extreme, although this answer can be asserted with confidence only for African-Americans because other origin-groups include only a few converts. Most generally, our results support the idea that U.S. Muslims are not a homogenous group. African-American Muslims and Iran-born Muslims appear to be different in important ways from other origin groups, despite the fact that differences are not easy to establish in groups as small as we examine here (ns ranging from 59 to 193). We have only the most tentative suggestions for understanding the pattern of results for African-American and Iran-born Muslims, but this should not be surprising. The 2007 Pew poll of U.S. Muslims aimed to represent the population of U.S. Muslims but the items in the poll were not designed to learn about group differences among U.S. Muslims. In this sense we have pushed the Pew poll beyond its design limitations and our results must be seen as only the first step in learning about group differences among U.S. Muslims. Nevertheless we believe that the pattern of results that distinguishes African-American and Iran-born Muslims is clear enough to make a general point. U.S. Muslims are not a homogenous community and research to learn more about the sociology and politics of different communities will be more useful than attempts to generalize about U.S. Muslims. References Abrams, J. (2009, June 2). Little Rock shooting suspect joins growing list of Muslim converts accused of targeting U.S. Fox News, accessed 5 July 2010 at HYPERLINK "http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,524799,00.html"http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,524799,00.html Fukuyama, F. (2006). Europe vs. Radical Islam: Alarmist Americans have mostly bad advice for Europeans. Slate, 27 February. Retrieved from http://www.slate.com/id/2136964 Islam in Europe. (2010, April 18). Switzerland: Young converts could pose national security threat. Accessed 5 July 2010 at http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2010/04/switzerland-young-converts-could-pose.html Islam in Europe. (2010, April 25). Germany: Police warns of radical converts. Accessed 5 July 2010 at HYPERLINK "http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2010/04/germany-police-warns-of-radical.html"http://islamineurope.blogspot.com/2010/04/germany-police-warns-of-radical.html Leuprecht, C., Hataley, T., Moskalenko, S., & McCauley, C. (2010). Containing the narrative: Strategy and tactics in countering the storyline of global Jihad. Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism, 5(1), 40-55. Pew Research Center (2007, May 22). Muslim Americans: Middle class and mostly mainstream. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "http://www.pewresearch.org/assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf"www.pewresearch.org/assets/pdf/muslim-americans.pdf Pond, A., & Smith, G. (2009, October 29). The Zeal of the Convert: Is It the Real Deal? Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion & Public Life. Accessed 5 July 2010 at http://pewresearch.org/pubs/1392/greater-zeal-of-religious-converts-is-real-but-modest The Pluralism Project. (n.d.). African-American Islam reformed: Black Muslims and the universal ummah [Web essay]. Retrieved from HYPERLINK "http://pluralism.org/resources/tradition/essays/islam8.php"http://pluralism.org/resources/tradition/essays/islam8.php Sageman, M. (2008). Leaderless jihad. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press. Turner, R. B. (2004, August 25). Mainstream Islam in the African-American experience [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://muslimculture.net/mainstream-islam-in-the-african-american-experience/ Yasmann, V. (2006, August 25). Russia: Slavic converts to radical Islam pose new threat. Accessed 5 July 2010 at http://www.rferl.org/content/article/1070836.html Table 1 Demographics by origin: 2007 Pew survey of U.S. Muslims AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Percent female 42 48 4545374446Percent college degree or more22 62 7453674449Percent family income $75k or more24446434373524Percent employed full time48495843625956Percent financial condition excellent or good38715850526042Percent married37827781826364Percent convert to Islam72022293 Note. Percent missing (dont know, refused) was negligible for demographic questions, except ranging from 8% (Africa-born) to 23% (Iran-born) for income. Table 2 Religiosity: 2007 Pew survey of U.S. Muslims: Percent italicized responses by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107On average, how often do you attend the mosque or Islamic Center for salah and Jumah Prayer? once a week or more57 53 641391751And outside of salah and Jum'ah prayer, do you take part in any other social or religious activities at the mosque or Islamic Center? yes56 38 1027191929How important is religion in your life? very important83 64 2873764184Koran is the word of God (vs. written by men)90965794936791In your opinion, should mosques keep out of political matters or should they express their views on day-to-day social and political questions? should express views79261850332339Do you think of yourself first as an American or first as a Muslim? Muslim59582739463447When you are out in public, how often do you wear the headcover or hijab? [females only] all the time4731116125849Do you think there is a natural conflict between being a devout Muslim and living in a modern society, or dont you think so? yes, there is a conflict37182121253317Note. Across seven origin groups and eight religion items, missing ranged from 0 to 10 percent, except 18 percent missing for Iran-born and 15% missing for Europe-born on the Muslim first item. Table 3 Experience of discrimination: 2007 Pew survey of U.S. Muslims: Percent italicized responses by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Are you very worried, somewhat worried, not too worried, or not at all worried about not being hired for a job or promoted because of your religion? very or somewhat worried4038 3746412451In the past twelve months, have people acted as if they are suspicious of you because you are a Muslim, or not? yes4216 2116201024 have you been called offensive names because you are a Muslim, or not? yes1998141399have you been physically threatened or attacked because you are a Muslim, or not? yes3212422And thinking more generally, not just in the past twelve months, have you ever been the victim of discrimination as a Muslim living in the United States? yes39172423242024Do you think that the governments anti-terrorism policies single out Muslims in the U.S. for increased surveillance and monitoring, or dont you think so? singles out Muslims78616360686058Do you think that coverage of Islam and Muslims by American news organizations is generally fair or unfair? unfair74616973595564 Note. Across 7 origin groups and 5 personal discrimination items (the first five items in Table 3), missing ranged from 0 to 5 percent. The two group discrimination items had larger missing rates: 3 to 22 percent missing for the item asking about government surveillance of Muslims, and 3 to 14 percent missing for the item asking whether news coverage of Muslims is unfair. African-American respondents showed lowest missing rates: 3 percent missing on both items. Table 4 Government policies: 2007 Pew survey of U.S. Muslims: Percent italicized responses (percent missing) by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Overall, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in this country today? dissatisfied87 (4)47 (7)54 (6)52 (11)57 (7)58 (12)58 (9)Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president? disapprove 93 (4)72 (18)82 (16)83 (19)77 (13)81 (10)87 (22)Do you think the U.S. made the right decision or the wrong decision in using military force in Afghanistan? wrong decision77 (7)49 (15)43 (5)56 (20)41 (12)32 (20)47 (18)Do you think the U.S. made the right decision in using military force against Iraq? wrong decision89 (2)83 (12)81 (8)88 (17)90 (9)82 (14)90 (16) Table 5 Terrorism-related items: Percent italicized responses (percent missing) by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Do you think the U.S. led war on terrorism is a sincere effort to reduce international terrorism or dont you believe that? dont believe that73 (10) 42 (12) 56 (15) 47 (20) 47 (19) 49 (14) 47 (18)Overall do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Al Qaeda? very or somewhat favorable 9 (27) 4 (21) 1 (14) 3 (26) 2 (17) 0 (24) 1 (23)Some people think that suicide bombing and other forms of violence against civilian targets are justified in order to defend Islam from its enemies. Other people believe that, no matter what the reason, this kind of violence is never justified. Do you personally feel that this kind of violence is often justified to defend Islam, sometimes justified, rarely justified, or never justified? often or sometimes10 (3)9 (4) 2 (6) 7 (11) 9 (7) 9 (7) 5 (6) Table 6 Correlations with seeing war on terrorism as insincere, by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Muslims singled out for surveillance. 11.25 . media unfair to Muslims.07 .32 . with the way things are going in the country. George W. Bush. decision Afghanistan. decision Iraq.18.2927. Adjusted Rsquare. Table 7 Correlations with more favorable view of Al Qaeda, by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Education-.16-.38-.36-.27-.25-.13-.30Family income-.02-.34-.16-.15-.26-.31-.26Think of self first as Muslim. wear hijab (women only)-. decision Afghanistan. adjusted Rsquare. Note. Regression does not include hijab item, answered only by women. Table 8 Correlations with justifying violence in defense of Islam, by origin AfAm 135Pakistan 137 Iran 87Arab 193S.Asia 151Europe 59Africa 107Education-.18-.27-.14-.07-.17.12-.24Family income-.00-.05.10-.08-.20-.01-.20Think of self first as Muslim-.11, wear hijab (women only). decision Afghanistan-. Adjusted Rsquare. Note. Regression does not include hijab item, answered only by women.     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