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Summer Science Research Highlighted at Poster Session

September 28, 2022

The 2022 Summer Science Research Poster Session took place in the Park Science Center Atrium on Thursday, Sept. 23.  

Each summer, students apply for funding through the Summer Science Research program, which awards stipends for 10 weeks of independent research under the mentorship of ůůֱ²¥ faculty. Students also attend professional development workshops and the Ann Lutes Johnson Speaker Series.

For chemistry major Rubia Fernandes '23, this was her second year participating in the program.

Rubia Fernandes '23

"I was able to make a lot of progress this summer and troubleshoot some experiments that I have been having trouble with, which was very exciting," said Fernandes, who conducted her research with Associate ůůֱ²¥ of Chemistry Jonas Goldsmith.

Yael Eiben '23, who is majoring in chemistry with a minor in health studies, participated in the program for the first time this summer.

Yael Eiben '23

Both Fernandes and Eiben plan to continue their research for their senior thesis, and in Eiben's case into her graduate studies.

"I really wanted to be part of the Summer Science Research program at ůůֱ²¥ as it offered me an opportunity for continuity," says Eiben, who worked in the lab of Assistant ůůֱ²¥ of Chemistry Patrick Melvin. "I know that I will likely be sticking with the same project for a while in graduate school, so I appreciated getting a taste of that this summer by continuing with my research from last term and planning to see it through as it becomes my senior thesis."

For those considering applying for summer science research, Eiben has this advice: "Apply! I am so happy that I stayed at ůůֱ²¥ this summer as a member of SSR. I feel so much closer to my lab and was able to accomplish so much on my project. The program definitely set me up for a great year of research!"

Fernandes, who is minoring in environmental studies and plans to research sustainability on a larger scale while studying environmental engineering in graduate school, echoes the sentiment.

"The Summer Science Program is a great opportunity for ůůֱ²¥ students to learn about the research process and discover whether it is something that they want to keep doing after they graduate"

Links to abstracts for all of this year's projects can be found here.