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Sophie Greer '23 Finds Ways to Volunteer from Home During Pandemic

July 16, 2020
Sophie Greer

Even during the summer of a pandemic, Mawrters are finding ways to help their communities.

Sophie Greer '23, of Brookline, Mass., is spending several hours a week volunteering with the (AANE).

Working from home, Sophie performs data entry in Google spreadsheets. The AANE executive director sends Sophie the names and contact info and websites of professionals who work with people on the spectrum and she verifies and updates the data. As the summer continues, she hopes to do more complex work for AANE, including work to support women and girls and non-binary people on the spectrum.

Sophie is also volunteering for , a youth-led organization that prints and distributes PPE to hospital workers.

"I got involved with AANE and Makers for COVID-19 because I’m neurodivergent and passionate about uplifting, supporting, and building my communities," says Sophie, who is undeclared but is leaning toward majoring in sociology and minoring in neuroscience. 

In addition to working with organizations close to home, Sophie continues to intern with the (located near ůůֱ²¥'s campus). She began working with the group early in the spring semester and continues to help with their get-out-the-vote efforts.

Mawrters, are you volunteering, working, learning something new on your own, helping family, or anything else this summer that you'd like to let the world know about? If so, we want to hear from you at

Department of Sociology

Minor in Neuroscience