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Cassidy Joins Calls to Trump Team to Govern with Spirit of Inclusion, Respect, and Unity

November 21, 2016

ůůֱ²¥ President Kim Cassidy has joined other campus leaders in calling on President-elect Donald Trump and his team to deliver a message of inclusion, respect and unity.

Cassidy and the leaders on the other Seven Sisters have sent a , Trump's pick for chief White House strategist. In light of past remarks in which Bannon disparaged lesbians, feminists and alumnae of the historic Seven Sisters Colleges, the group asks that he "take a more expansive, informed and tolerant world view in your leadership role."

Cassidy is also a cosignatory to calling on the President-elect to take a more forceful stand against "harassment, hate and acts of violence" and in support of the continuation of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

, Nov. 18, 2016
, Nov. 20, 2016
Open Letter to Stephen Bannon from the Seven Sisters Presidents, Nov. 21, 2016