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New Faculty: Assistant ůůֱ²¥ of Social Work Carolina Hausmann-Stabile

October 10, 2017
Carolina Hausmann-Stabile

As we begin the semester, we're highlighting Bryn Mawr's newest faculty members. The College supports faculty excellence in both research and teaching and is committed to social justice and inclusion in the classroom and in the community at large.

Assistant ůůֱ²¥ of Social Work Carolina Hausmann-Stabile

Carolina Hausmann-Stabile received her Ph.D. in Social Work in 2013 from Washington University in St. Louis. After that, she completed an NIMH Post-doctoral Fellow at the Institute for Health at Rutgers University in Health Care Policy and Aging Research. Hausmann-Stabile has more than a decade of experience working to improve Latino health and mental health across the United States and Latin America, with a focus on reducing suicidal behaviors among adolescent girls.  

Hausmann-Stabile is an expert in qualitative research methods applied to studying suicidal girls receiving services in health and mental health settings in the United States. In the United States, Latina adolescents attempt suicide more often than their white or black counterparts. The rates of suicide attempts among adolescents across many Latin American countries are also elevated. 

Her work has contributed research and conceptual developments to the study of Latina girls who attempt suicide, including identifying universal and group-specific issues that explain the suicidal behaviors of Latina teens; understanding the family dynamics relevant to suicidal behaviors among adolescents; explaining the role of acculturation and developmental issues in pediatric suicidal behaviors; and developing culturally competent services for Latina teens.

Carolina Hausmann-Stabile recibió su doctorado en trabajo social de la Washington University in St. Louis en el 2013. Ella completó un post-doctorado del National Institute of Mental Health en el Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research, Rutgers University. La Dra. Hausmann-Stabile tiene más de una década de experiencia trabajando para mejorar la salud y la salud mental de los Latinos en los Estados Unidos y en Latino América.

La Dra. Hausmann-Stabile es una experta en métodos cualitativos aplicados al estudio de las conductas suicidas en adolescentes. En los Estados Unidos, las jóvenes Latinas reportan más intentos de suicidio que las muchachas blancas o afro-americanas. Los jóvenes en Latino América también reportan índices elevados de conductas suicidas.

El trabajo de la Dra. Hausmann-Stabile ha contribuido avances conceptuales y empíricos para comprender las conductas suicidas de adolescentes Latinas, incluyendo identificar aspectos universales y específicos que explican las conductas suicidas pediatricas; dinámicas familiares que contribuyen a los intentos de suicidio de jóvenes; el rol de la aculturación y de factores evolutivos en las conductas suicidas de adolescentes; y el desarrollo de servicios culturalmente adaptados para la atención de jóvenes suicidas.

The GSSWSR is distinctive for its dedication to fine teaching, attentiveness to individual students, and high academic standards within a liberal arts tradition. Founded in 1915, the GSSWSR has from inception embraced scholarship, practice, and collaboration within a broad construction of social work and social welfare.

Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research