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Lucy Benson '25 Spends Summer at Southside Family Nurturing Center

August 21, 2024
Lucy Benson '25

Name: Lucy Benson
Class Year: 2025
Major: Sociology
Hometown: Minneapolis, Minn.

Internship Organization:
Internship Title: Student Intern
Location: Minneapolis, Minn.

What's happening at your internship? We would love to hear what kind of work you are doing!
Southside Family Nurturing Center (SSFNC) is located in the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis. It is one of the first private, nonprofit agencies to implement holistic family interventions in Minnesota including early childhood education and family support with home visiting services. The center provides culturally competent, multilingual, and trauma-informed childcare for students ages 15 months to 5 years. On-site, students are served breakfast and lunch and can receive therapy services (occupational, speech, physical, music, and play). The center offers support to both youth and their families.

Why did you apply for this internship?
I am really interested in the overlaps between community and social justice work with childcare. I wanted to spend the summer in my hometown, so I looked for organizations that fit this interest. I applied because of the work they are doing, their strong relationship with the community, and their location near my house. I wanted to learn more about this type of work in a city that I someday want to return to and know what services exist.

Southside Family Nurturing Center

What has been your favorite part of this internship?
I love working with and getting to know the people who work and the kids who go to school at SSFNC. They are funny and interesting, and I learn so much from them. The staff really care about what they do and about the kids. The workplace environment has been a big part of the experience, and I am so grateful for this staff, their knowledge, and their kindness. I also love this age group of kids; they are learning so much and are so curious, energetic, and clever. They make me laugh a lot.

What is something you have learned from your internship that you didn't expect?
I am learning a lot of Spanish. I have never learned it before, but through coworkers, the kids, a bit of Duolingo, and help from friends, it has become a big part of my experience. I wasn't expecting this, but I am really enjoying it and how it enables more chat and connection.

Can you talk about the skills you are learning and why they are important to you?
Aside from learning Spanish, I am learning a lot about language to use with children. How to redirect, guide, and get to know students. I also am learning about empowering students to do things by themselves and what skills are important to foster at this age. I am growing my relationship-building skills with both the kids and the staff, which are two very different types of relationships, but both are teaching me a lot about grace and laughter in the workplace.

This is also the youngest group of kids I have ever worked with, which is teaching me a different form of patience and gentleness. I am also reflecting on other childcare jobs with older kids and how we have, at times, expected less capability from them than this center does with even younger kids.

Through the Career and Civic Engagement Center Beyond ůůֱ²¥ Summer Internship Program, ůůֱ²¥ students pursue opportunities in fields such as nonprofits, government and law, health care, research, sciences, business, and the arts. Thanks to the generosity of our alumnae/i and donors, over 150 students across all academic departments are funded to pursue unpaid internships or research experiences in the U.S. and abroad each year.