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Honoring 25 Years of Service: Angie Sheets, Associate Dean

May 23, 2024 Melissa Scott
Angie Sheets doing Eagles cheer at Super Bowl Pep Rally in Campus Center

Angie Sheets, associate dean for residential life and student engagement, is one of five staff members celebrating their 25th year at the College. In her Staff Spotlight, Sheets shares advice for staff new to the College and reflects on significant milestones she has witnessed and her favorite memories.

Were you always in the position/department you are in now? If not, can you talk about your path to get here?

I came to ůůֱ in July 1998 to serve as the director of Residential Life. I stayed in Residential Life throughout my entire time here. Residential Life and Student Engagement merged departments this year, so I now supervise both offices.

Do you have any accomplishments that you are particularly proud of?

For me, the foundation of all our work is relationships. So, I am proud of the fact that we have always been a relationship-focused department. I believe that keeping that as our number one value has allowed us to build collaborative working relationships and a sense of trust with students. I know it probably doesn't seem like that much of an accomplishment, but it means the most to me.

Was there anyone you worked with who inspired or mentored you?

Former Dean of the Undergraduate College Karen Tidmarsh was a special person and the one who comes to mind when I think of what I treasure most about ůůֱ. Karen had the gift of always being authentic—whether with students, faculty, staff, trustees, or parents—she was always herself and could easily find common ground with anyone. She had a sharp wit, which I always adored and appreciated! Karen was like a river—she always seemed to take things in stride and continue to flow with whatever was happening. She possessed a gentle strength and resilience that was admirable. For me, Karen embraced the values that ůůֱ espoused to hold.

What are some of the significant milestones or changes you've witnessed during your tenure?

There have been a lot of physical changes on campus during my time here. I think of the buildings that are no longer here or have been renovated, and new buildings that now exist, such as the Health and Wellness Center. 

A lot of life happens when you're at a place for so long. I remember the meeting I was in and who I was with when we learned of the attack on 9/11, for example. That will always stay with me. And of course, COVID—being on campus every day with only a few other departments and a small group of students was a really bizarre time. 

Navigating the positive and challenging changes of technology and its impact on how we all engage with our work and one another has been a constantly evolving process.  ​

Can you share a favorite BMC memory from your time working here so far?

There are so many memories! One that I will always hold dear is one of the years my birthday fell on the day of a room draw event. When the students gathered in Great Hall for room draw that night, they brought me a cake, sang Happy Birthday, and Anassa kata. 

Do you have any advice or words of wisdom for staff new to the College?

Take time to explore the campus! It is a gorgeous place in every season and there are so many beautiful spots and architectural features. Take advantage of the opportunities to see and learn—​whether it's using the library, the gym, or an event through the Performing Arts Series. These are all benefits to enjoy!

What are your interests outside of work? What's something that most people at the College wouldn't know about you?

I am a huge Philadelphia Eagles fan, so one of my favorite memories is being able to help lead the “EAGLES” cheer at the Eagles pep rallies on campus when they've gone to the Super Bowl! I also love music, and I really enjoy going to see live music! I'm a huge WXPN fan and enjoy discovering new music, so attending the XPN music festival is one of my favorite annual traditions. I am also a dog lover, so I enjoy spending time with our dog Kalani.  

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