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Faculty Publication: Catherine Conybeare, ůůֱ of Classical Studies

January 22, 2021

Author: Catherine Conybeare

Source: Journal of Latin Cosmopolitanism and European Literatures 4(2020): 81–87. DOI:10.21825/jolcel.vi4.17077 

Publication Type: Article

Description: This contribution is the response piece to a larger dialogue of three articles that form the current issue of JOLCEL. The other contributions are “The Comic Latin Grammar in Victorian England” by Jacqueline Arthur-Montagne(pp. 2–31), “Reading and (Re)Writing the Auctores: Poliziano and the Ancient Roman Miscellany” by Scott J. DiGiulio(pp. 33–58), and “The Hisperica Famina as an Ars Poetica: An Interpretation of the A-Text” by Piet Gerbrandy (pp. 60–79). 

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies

Graduate Group in Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art