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Faculty Publication: Associate ůůֱ²¥ of Social Work Cindy Sousa

July 7, 2020

Authors: Cindy Sousa, Bree Akesson & Dena Badawi

Source: Global Public Health, doi:

Publication type: Article in a Periodical

Abstract: The influx of 1.5 million Syrians into Lebanon has created an increased demand for health services, which is largely unmet, due to cost, a highly fragmented and privatised system, and crises around legal documentation and refugee status. The aim of this study was to use a constant comparison analysis of qualitative data to explore how Syrian refugees living in Lebanon describe their experiences accessing healthcare (±·â€‰= 351 individuals within 46 families). Pervasive fear, lack of confidence in the medical system, and high costs all hinder access to healthcare for Syrians in Lebanon. Findings demonstrate the need for attention to the costs and accessibility of care, and for stronger coordination of care within a centrally led comprehensive emergency plan. While we attend to understanding and alleviating the barriers surrounding refugee healthcare, we must also address the underlying cause of health crisis: the brutal realities caused by armed conflict.

Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research