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Faculty Publication: Associate ůůֱ²¥ of Physics Xuemei May Cheng

June 19, 2017

Authors: Yu, L; Yan, ZY; Yang, HC; Chai, XZ; Li, BQ; Moeendarbari, S; Hao, YW; Zhang, D; Feng, G; Han, P; Gilbert, DA; Liu, K; Buchanan, KS; Cheng, XM

Source: IEEE MAGNETICS LETTERS, 8 10.1109/LMAG.2016.2616325 2017

Abstract: Three-dimensional antisphere arrays (3DAAs) of Ni have been fabricated using electrochemical deposition into self-assembled polystyrene sphere templates, which offers the advantage of straightforward scalability. Using the first-order reversal curve (FORC) method, the magnetic reversal mechanism is identified from the characteristic features in the FORC distribution. A left-bending boomerang-like feature is observed in the thinnest sample, which transforms to a ridge oriented along the local coercivity Hc axis with increasing sample thickness. This transformation identifies a change in the reversal process from an exchange dominated domain-growth reversal to a localized weakly interacting particle-like reversal. Micromagnetic simulations confirm the decrease in domain growth and increase of pinning behaviors as the thickness of the Ni 3DAAs structure increases, providing strong support to the FORC analysis and interpretation.

Department of Physics