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Faculty Publication: Assistant ůůֱ of East Asian Studies Shiamin Kwa

May 23, 2019

Author: Shiamin Kwa

Publication Type: Chapter in a Book

Source: The Oxford Handbook of Comic Book Studies

Abstract: This chapter explores the critical value of learning to read the graphic narrative through the device of the speech bubble, the comics convention borrowed in the visual system of the text message. Active reading of text-image hybrids, always a part of our lives, is now especially crucial in a society saturated with word-text communication systems that frequently substitute for face-to-face encounters. Focusing on the comics of Emile Holmewood, or BloodBros, this chapter analyzes his short comic, “Speech Bubble,” which situates the text-messaging speech bubble against the comics-language speech bubble. The interplay of these bubbles and the way they expose our assumptions about reading and making meaning emphasize how the act of reading is an ethical process.

East Asian Languages and Cultures