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Faculty Publication: Assistant ůůֱ²¥ of Computer Science Aline Normoyle

February 24, 2022

"Evaluating Grasping Visualizations and Control Modes in a VR Game"

Authors: Adkins, Alex; Lin, Lorraine; Normoyle, Aline; Canales, Ryan; Ye, Yuting; Jorg, Sophie

Source: ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, Volume: 18, Issue: 4, Article Number: 19, DOI: 10.1145/3486582, October 2021

Type of Publication: Article

Abstract: A primary goal of the Virtual Reality (VR) community is to build fully immersive and presence-inducing environments with seamless and natural interactions. To reach this goal, researchers are investigating how to best directly use our hands to interact with a virtual environment using hand tracking. Most studies in this field require participants to perform repetitive tasks. In this article, we investigate if results of such studies translate into a real application and game-like experience. We designed a virtual escape room in which participants interact with various objects to gather clues and complete puzzles. In a between-subjects study, we examine the effects of two input modalities (controllers vs. hand tracking) and two grasping visualizations (continuously tracked hands vs. virtual hands that disappear when grasping) on ownership, realism, efficiency, enjoyment, and presence.

Our results show that ownership, realism, enjoyment, and presence increased when using hand tracking compared to controllers. Visualizing the tracked hands during grasps leads to higher ratings in one of our ownership questions and one of our enjoyment questions compared to having the virtual hands disappear during grasps as is common in many applications. We also confirm some of the main results of two studies that have a repetitive design in a more realistic gaming scenario that might be closer to a typical user experience.

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