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Class of 2022: Mariam Mshvidobadze

June 1, 2022
Mariam Mshvidobadze

Name: Mariam Mshvidobadze

Major: Environmental Studies (with the concentration in Urban Sustainability)

Minor: Growth and Structure of Cities

Hometown: Tbilisi, Georgia

Key ůůֱ²¥ Experiences: 

  • Being part of Track and Field varsity team in 2018-2019.
  • Completing 360 program - Climate Change: Science and Politics in Spring 2020. 
  • Working on Jeff Cohen’s research in Summer 2020.
  • Working as a Russian tutor, fitness center monitor, and office assistant at Pensby Center. 
  • Receiving SAH (Society of Architectural Historians) Fellowship.
  • Doing Praxis Independent Study course in Spring 2022. 

Post-graduation plans: In July 2022, I am starting my full-time position at Voith and Mactavish Architects as an Interior Design Studio Coordinator. My role will be to research sustainable materials and provide VMA with information about the material’s sustainability and quality so that the firm makes conscious design decisions. 

People you want to thank: I want to thank my parents and sisters for their trust and constant support. And of course, big thanks to my friends at BMC and Georgian community in Philadelphia who kept me sane over past four years and gave me strength to move forward. 

Message for the rest of the Class of 2022:  Good luck to everyone. I hope you all reach your dreams.