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Class of 2020: Lily Meyer

May 13, 2020
Lily Meyer

Major: Psychology

Minor: Theater

Key ůůֱ²¥ Experiences:

Cabaret show directed by Abbey Thompson '20 through Greasepaint, Started the intramural volleyball club, the May Day that Khalid performed, being a Peer Mentor

Hometown: Mill Valley, California 

Message for the rest of the Class of 2020:

Yes, we are definitely missing out in a big way right now, but it does not matter at what time you celebrate so long as you do celebrate finishing this semester or finishing your time at ůůֱ²¥. You are worth celebrating and all that you have accomplished or have yet to tackle at and beyond ůůֱ²¥ is important. Don’t deny yourself the feeling of finishing something and moving on. It can be one of the best feelings to grow from.

Words of wisdom for the Class of 2024:

It is okay to show up to ůůֱ²¥ and realize that you may not be ready for college just yet. You can come back to it another time or you can push through this if you need to. Just know that you should approach any college institution with your own expectations and be prepared for some to be met and others unmet. The unbreakable element of ůůֱ²¥ is the capacity for students to change and to change others while here. There is no changing for the better or worse, there is just change. Be honest with yourself as you move through ůůֱ²¥ and be honest with others about what you need.

I started college with two key perspectives that helped me succeed at ůůֱ²¥. First, I knew that there wasn’t one single perfect college out there that was going to be a magical fit for me. Every institution is working on themselves in order to cater to their students' needs. College is inherently transitional and therefore there will be a constantly changing environment around you. The best thing you can do is be a part of the adaptation. Second, when picking my major I reminded myself that I’m not committing to one single narrow career path right then and there. I attended many alumni panel events hosted by the CPD, and I highly recommend this especially for first-years and sophomores. Study what interests you and will give you a practical boost post-college. But just because you study chemistry now doesn’t mean you can’t be an artist later. Get creative, and don’t be afraid to create an independent major at ůůֱ²¥!

What will you remember most about your time at ůůֱ²¥?:

I will remember the people who chose to listen to me, teach me, and hold me accountable especially when I was in a really lost, confusing place emotionally and academically. I got support I didn’t know existed and through that, I learned how to mature in ways that will last a long time.

Anything else you’d want to say about your ůůֱ²¥ experience: 

I was on leave for a year during my time at ůůֱ²¥ and I will always advocate for people who take non-traditional paths. It needs to be less of a myth or non-option and for those who do leave to not have to carry the burden of shame. It is remarkable to find the inner strength and conviction to commit, lose touch with, adapt, and then recommit to goals you set for yourself. Graduating became my goal, and if I could do it all over again differently I would. I would have waited to start college and I would have really sat down with myself and searched for programs that would help build my professional portfolio. 

Members of the Class of 2020, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after ůůֱ²¥, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.

Department of Psychology

Theater Program