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Class of 2020: Leah Packard Grams

April 28, 2020
Leah Packard Grams

Major: Classical/Near Eastern Archaeology and Classical Languages 

Key ůůֱ Experiences: I curated an exhibit highlighting ůůֱ's role in the history of Egyptology with my best friends and our favorite professor; I explored the ruins of Hadrian's Wall during a torrential hailstorm with my classmates (& bravely led by ůůֱ Jennie Bradbury!); I found a hapax legomenon in a Greek papyrus in ůůֱ's collections while researching on the Hanna Holborn-Gray Fellowship; I mended books for an on-campus job; I rode horses with the equestrian club; I swam in the cloisters fountain; I lived in Carrel T7 in Carpenter Library stacks; I wrote my thesis!

Hometown: Portland, ME

Post-graduation plans: Graduate student at UC Berkeley, pursuing my PhD in Ancient History and Mediterranean Archaeology

People you want to thank: My parents (John & Nancy!), my partner (Paige Peterson ❤️), and my cat (Carmalt) have made this experience possible, while my professors have made my experience fantastic, especially my incredible thesis advisor ůůֱ Matt Farmer, ůůֱ Susanna McFadden (now teaching at Hong Kong), ůůֱ Charlie Kuper (now writing for the Latin thesaurus in Munich), ůůֱ Anne Maguire, ůůֱ Jennie Bradbury, ůůֱ Astrid Lindenlauf, & ůůֱ Radcliffe G. Edmonds III! Finally, I'd like to thank tea and vegan chocolate chip cookies, for almost single handedly fuelling this 5-year endeavor.

Biggest Regret: Not taking more classes with ůůֱ Elly Truitt!

Biggest Triumph: Healing from a broken leg and continuing classes nonetheless!

What will you remember most about your time at ůůֱ?: The people I met and the words I read.

Members of the Class of 2020, we want to hear from you! Drop us a note at Include a photo of yourself and let us know what you have planned for life after ůůֱ, who you'd like to thank, words of wisdom, or whatever else you'd like to say. We'll be sharing selected profiles on the College's website and social media channels over the next few weeks.

Department of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology

Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies