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Class of 2020: Auri Hampton

May 16, 2020

Name: Auri Hampton 

Major: Sociology

Minor: Gender and Sexuality Studies

My Key Experiences: Skinny dipping in the cloisters, playing pool in the campus center, rolling down the hill by the soccer field with my bryn wife, ritual sacrifices for snow days with my best friends, eating noodles and chicken strips in uncommon with my girlfriend, sledding with dining hall trays 

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Message to the rest of 2020: Fight the admin love your friends

Message to 2024: Being broke at college seems like it'll make your life hard, and it will. It will suck every time you have to tell your friends you can't do something because if you spend anymore you won't be able to pay your tuition payment or buy your books. But just because it sucks you shouldn't work yourself to death, you have the rest of your life to do that. And you can find a lot of fun for cheap or free, you just have to be more creative than the rich person next to you. And yeah it's going to suck being broke at ůůֱ²¥, but who knows, maybe it'll get better. Probably not. 

What I'll remember most: Probably the fact that my tuition got increased by 600% my senior year. But for a happy memory I'll remember my last spring regatta with crew. We ran into Cabrini's boat but still managed to make our way back to the top 4. This wouldn't get us into the Grand Final, but we would come in first in the petite finals. Our time was the fastest of all the boats across both finals. It's the best race I've ever done and we didn't even medal. Which means we're the only ones who remember it. 

My final notes: I want to thank ůůֱ²¥ Dining Services for giving me the best job I'll ever have. I was so grateful to be hired as a supervisor at New Dorm and I'll never forget my Haff Fam. The full time staff at haff are the best people in the world. Our managers are wild but in the end I would miss them the most. I could not imagine my four years without these people who did so much for me. Also the crew team is crazy but I love them all I made some of my closest friends on that team and we've changed it for the better. Especially my other seniors on the team, I wish we had gotten our last practice and our last race and that last medal, but I guess our amazing fall season will have to do. And to all my friends who made this cult a home thank you for putting up with me.


Gender and Sexuality Studies