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ůůֱ Conybeare of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies Receives NEH Grant

August 27, 2019


NEH seal

ůůֱ College ůůֱ of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies Catherine Conybeare, and ůůֱ José Luis Bermúdez of Texas A&M, have received a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for their project, Reconsidering the Sources of the Self in the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods.

The funding will be used for a conference and the preparation of an edited volume of essays on the influential Sources of the Self: The Making of Modern Identity by philosopher Charles Taylor.

The grant is one of 14 "Collaborative Research" awards that "support interpretive research undertaken by a team of two or more collaborating scholars that adds significantly to knowledge and understanding of the humanities."

In April, Conybeare  was named a 2019 Guggenheim Fellow by the  The Fellowship recognizes and supports her work on a study titled “Augustine the African.” That same month, she was one of 81 scholars named a 2019 American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Fellow. She is currently taking part in a at the University of Oxford’s All Souls College.

Department of Greek, Latin, and Classical Studies

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