Dissertations List

Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Assyrian and Semitic Studies

1906. Hayward (later Dohan), Edith Hall. Decorative art of Crete in the Bronze Age. [Published in Transactions of the Department of Archaeology of the University of Pennsylvania v. 2 part 1, Philadelphia, 1907. 47 pp.]

1907. Hussey, Mary Inda. Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns of the Berlin Collection. [Ph.D. in Assyrian]

1910. Ogden, Ellen Seton. The origin of the Gunu-Signs in Babylonian. [Ph.D. in Assyrian]

1912. Bowerman, Helen Cox.Roman sacrificial altars. An archaeological study of monuments in Rome. [Published Lancaster, PA 1913].

1918. Rambo, Eleanor Ferguson. Lions in Greek art. 49 pp

1920. Brooks, Beatrice Allard. A contribution to the study of the moral practices of certain social groups in ancient Mesopotamia. [Published Leipzig: W. Drugulin, 1921. 90 pp.].

1922. Macdonald, Janet M. The uses of symbolism in Greek art. 59 pp.

1933. Pease, Mary Zelia (Philippides). A Catalogue of the Greek Vases in the Collection of Albert Gallatin in New York City.

1934. Burr (later Thompson), Dorothy. Terra-cottas from Myrina in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. 118 pp. [Published Vienna: A. Holzhausens Nachfolger, 1934. v + 86 pp. + 25 leaves of plates].

Grace, Virginia Randolph. The stamped amphora handles found in the American excavations in the Athenian agora 1931-1932: a catalogue treated as a chronological study. [Published Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1934; published also in Hesperia].

1935. Shoe (later Merritt), Lucy Taxis. Profiles of Greek mouldings. 3v. including plates. [Published Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1936].

1936. Shephard, Katherine. Sea-monsters in Greek and Etruscan art. 142 pp.

1937. Goldman, Hetty. Excavations at Gözlü Kulle, Tarsus. 3 vs. + plates [see AJA 42 (1938)].

1939 (?). Ehrich, Ann Marie Hoskin. Early pottery of the Jebeleh region. [Published with Appendices by Dorothy Wyckoff and E. O. Forrer. Philadelphia, The American Philosophical Society, 1939. v + 132 pp. + plates].

1941. Campbell, Mary Thorne. Later Corinthian pottery. 157 pp.

1942. Elford, Alva Doris. Architectural terracottas in the Greek archaic period. 225 pp..

Robbins, Cleta Olmstead. Ionic chiton-clad maidens of the fifth century. [ůůֱ²¥, Pa., 1942. x + 114 pp. + plates].

1943. Immerwahr, Sara Anderson. The Mycenaean pictorial style of vase painting in the thirteenth century. [ ůůֱ²¥, Pa., 1943; 183 pp. + plates].

1946. Campbell (later Roebuck), Mary Thorne. Later Corinthian pottery. [ůůֱ²¥, Pa., c1946. xvii + 216 pp.].

1950. Jones, Frances Follin. The Pottery-Chapter VI of Excavations at Gozlu Kule, Tarsus, Vol. 1, The Hellenistic and Roman Periods, edited by Hetty Goldman.

1951. Bodula, Ida. Sumerian affiliations: a plea for reconsideration. 168 pp.

1955. Grandjouan, Claireve. Plastic lamps of Imperial times from the Athenian Agora. 206 pp. [Published in American School of Classical Studies Athenian Agora series (1961)].

Taylor, Doris M. Cosa: black glaze pottery. 213 pp. + plates.

1956. Smithson, Evelyn Lord. A study of the find-groups of Submycenaean, Protogeometric and earliest Geometric date from the excavations of the Athenian Agora, 1931-1955.

1958. Kohler, Ellen Lucile. A study of the wood and ivory carvings from Gordion, Phrygia (c. 750-500 B.C.). 173 pp. + 25 pl.

Ridgway, Brunilde Sismondo. Observations on style and chronology of some archaic sculptures. 358 pp. + [43] leaves of plates.

1959. Ashmead, Ann W. Harnwell. A study of the style of the cup painter Onesimos. 356 pp. + plates.

Vorys, Jeanny Esther (Canby). "Tesup" figurines and Anatolian art of the second millenium B.C. 151 pp.

1961. Spence, Emily Marie. Studies in the topography and history of the Argolid in the fifth century B.C. 279 pp.

1962. Carter, Theresa Howard. Studies in Kassite history and archaeology. 317 pp. plates.

1964. Haviland, Diantha Sibley. The early group of Cretan seals. 326 pp. + 102 leaves.

1967. Bookidis, Nancy. A study of the use and geographical distribution of architectural sculpture in the archai period (Greece, East Greece and Magna Graecia). 3 vols. 529 pp. + 22 plates.

Shaw, Maria Coutroubaki. An evaluation of possible affinities between Egyptian and Minoan wall paintings before the New Kingdom. 187 pp.

1968. Handler, Susan (Auth). The architecture of Alexandria in Egypt as depicted on the Alexandrian bronze coinage of the Roman Imperial period. 258 pp.

Shear, Ione Mylonas. Mycenean domestic architecture. 3 v. 709 pp. + plates.

1969. De Puma, Richard Daniel. The Roman Fish mosaic. 2 v.

Miller (later -Collett), Stella G. Hellenistic Macedonian architecture : its style and painted ornamentation. 2 v. 283 pp. + plates.

1971. Duryea, Dian. The Kizilbel tomb : an archaic painted tomb near Elmali, Turkey. vii + 188 pp.

Edlund, Ingrid E.M. [?Gantz] (Edlund-Berry). The seated statues from Poggio Civitate (Murlo). 2 v. 344 pp. + plates.

Sheldon, Diane Grossman. A study of Mesopotamian ivories pre-1,000 B.C. 205 pp. + plates.

Sturgeon, Mary C. The theater frieze at Corinth. 2 v. 377 pp. + plates.

1972. Boggess, Elizabeth Chalfont MacNeil. The development of the Attic pithos. x + 326 pp. + lxvii leaves of plates.

McAllister, Marian Holland. The fortifications of ancient Halieis. xii + 159 + [13] pp. + 18 leaves of plates.

Young, Ellen. The Slaying of the Minotaur: evidence in art and literature for the development of the myth, 700-400 B.C. 180 pp. + plates.

1973. Bordaz, Louise Alpers. The metal artifacts from the Bronze Age excavations at Karatas-Semayuk, Turkey and their significance on Anatolia, the Near East, and the Aegean. 2 v. 345 pp.

Caskey, Miriam Ervin. Relief pithoi: a survey of some eighth and seventh century groups from mainland Greece, Crete and the Aegean. 170 pp. + plates.

Georgiou, Hara S. A study of the form and function of a select group of Minoan utilitarian ceramics. 2 v. 505 pp.

Wheeler, Tamara Stech. The early Bronze Age burial customs of Karatas-Semayük. 3 v. 184 pp.

1974. Bridges, Robert Alden Jr. Mycenaean Tholos tombs (an architectural study). 239 pp. + maps.

MacIntosh (later Turfa), Jean. Etruscan-Punic relations. 203 pp.

Nielsen, Erik O. The Murlo Ivories. 3 v. 417 pp. + plates.

Rupp, David William. Greek altars of the northeastern Peloponnese c. 750/725 BC to c. 300/275 BC. 537 pp. + plates.

Winter, Nancy a. Terracotta representations of human heads used as architectural decoration in the archaic period. 2 v. 181 pp. + plates.

1975. Humphrey, John Halstead. Studies toward a corpus of Roman circuses. 113 pp. + plates.

Iliaki, Alexandra Patrianakou. Mycenaean ivories: a study of three classes of objects : combs, pyxides and mirror handles. xvii + 233 pp. + [42] leaves of plates.

1976. Bonn, Anne Greenwald. The domestic architecture of early Bronze Age Palestine. xvii + 189 pp. + [15] leaves of plates.

Root, Margaret Louise Cool. The king and kingship in early Achaemenid sculpture: essays on the creation of an iconography of empire. 3 v. 376 pp. + plates.

Warner, Jayne Lena. The early Bronze Age domestic architecture of Karatas-Semayük and its relationship to the domestic architecture of Anatolia, the Aegean and the Balkans. 2 v. 277 pp. + plates.

Weis, Harriett Anne. The hanging Marsyas: the origin and history of a statue. 88 pp. + catalogue + plates.

1977. Goldberg, Marilyn Y. Types and distribution of archaic Greek akroteria. x + 403 + [16] pp.

1978. Eslick, Christine. The neolithic and chalcolithic pottery of the Elmali plain, south-western Turkey. 2 v. 246 pp. + plates.

Kane, Susan E. Draped female sculpture from the sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene. 2 v. 247 pp. + plates.

Slane, Kathleen Warner. Early Roman Terra Sigillata and its local imitations from the post-war excavations at Corinth.

Warden, P. Gregory. The metal artifacts from Poggio Civitate (Murlo). 2 v. 553 pp. + plates.

Wright, James Clinton. Mycenaean masonry practices and elements of construction. 2 v. 287 pp. + plates.

Wright, Kathleen Slane. Early Roman terra sigillata and its local imitations from the post-war excavations at Corinth. 2 v. 490 pp. + plates.

1979. Albertson, Frederick Carl. The sculptured portraits of Lucius Verus and Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161-180): creation and dissemination of portrait types. 2 v. 504 pp.

Hollinshead, Mary Brooks Berg. Legend, cult, and architecture at three sanctuaries of Artemis. 284 pp. + notes + plates.

1980. Anderson, Gunlög Elisabeth. The common cemetery at Gordion. xxi + 385 pp. + [63] leaves of plates.

Wisseman, Sarah Underhill.. The archaeological evidence for Etruscan games. vi + 329 pp. + [ 4] leaves + [32] leaves of plates.

1981. Barletta, Barbara A. The Ionic component in the monumental art of archaic Sicily. 306 pp. + 55 leaves of plates.

Belson, Janer Danforth. The gorgoneion in Greek architecture. 2 v. 225 pp.

Muhly, Polymnia. Minoan libation tables. ii + 443 pp. + 43 leaves of plates.

Steiner, Ann R. Herakles and the lion in Attic art, 575-450 B.C. v + 286 pp. + [24] leaves.

Van Hulsteyn, Yildiz Phillips. Urartian built and rock-cut tombs. viii + 210 pp. + ca. 100 leaves of plates.

1982. Dohan, Katherine Ely. Hypodemata: the study of Greek footwear and its chronological value. xii + 286 pp. + 14 leaves of plates.

Fullerton, Mark David. Archaistic draped statuary in the round of the classical, hellenistic and Roman periods. xvi + 362 pp. + [106] leaves of plates.

Ozgen, Ilknur. A study of Anatolian and East Greek costume in the Iron Age. xix + 301 pp. + 92 leaves of plates.

Szeliga, George. The Dioskouroi on the roof: archaic and classical equestrian acroteria in Sicily and south Italy. 228 pp.

1983. Lyons, Claire Louise. The archaic necropolis of Morgantina (Serra Orlando), Sicily. xix + 419 leaves + 129 leaves of plates (some folded).

Munn, Mary Lou Zimmerman. Corinthian trade with the west in the Classical period. 2 v. 415 pp. + plates.

1984. Connelly, Joan Breton. Cypriot Hellenistic votive sculpture: typology and workshops. 295 pp. + plates.

Hartswick, Kim J. Roman copies of fifth century head types. xxii, 227 pp. + [72] leaves of plates.

Lacy, Lamar Ronald. The myth of Aktaion: literary and iconographic studies. x + 275 pp. + 39 leaves of plates.

Leinwand, Nancy Westneat. A study of Anatolian weathergods of the Old Assyrian Colony period. xxvi + 304 pp. + 97 leaves of plates.

Peirce, Sarah MacMorran. The representation of animal sacrifice in Attic vase-painting, 580-380 B.C. 3 v. 386 pp. + [290] leaves of plates

Rehak, Paul. Ara Pietatis Augustae or Ara Gentis Iuliae? A study of the reliefs. 3 v.

1986. Harnett, Erika Bystrzycki. The sculpture of Roman Minturnae. 2 vols. 384 pp. + 101 leaves of plates.

Holden, Antonia von Korff. The late Roman figural pavements of the Tenth Augustan Region. 2 v. + plates.

1987. Slane, Dorothy A. (Slane-Ozturk), 1956-. Middle and late Bronze Age architecture and pottery in Gozlu Kule, Tarsus: a new analysis. 484 pp. + [188] leaves of plates.

Toumazou, Michael Kyriacou. Aspects of burial practices in early prehistoric Cypriote sites c. 7000-2500/2300 B.C. xi + 274 pp. + 59 leaves of plates.

1988. Bloom, Joanne B. Material remains of the neo-Assyrian presence in Palestine and Transjordan. 351 pp. + 61 pp.

Hedreen, Guy. Silens in Attic black-figure vase-painting: myth and performance. 294 pp. + 91 plates.

1989. Webb, Pamela A. Figural scupture in Hellenistic architecture, Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands. 2 v. x + 564 pp. + various additions.

1990. Ajootian, Aileen. Natus Biformis: Hermaphrodites in Greek and Roman Art.

1991. Denton, Branwen E. The late second millennium B.C. in the Arab/Iranian Gulf. xiii + 323 pp.

Glowacki, Kevin T. (Kevin Thomas). Topics concerning the north slope of the Akropolis at Athens. ix + 127 pp. + [37] leaves of plates.

Hornum, Michael. Nemesis, the Roman state, and the games. 280 pp.

Klein, Nancy Louise. The origin of the Doric order on the mainland of Greece: form and function of the geison in the Archaic period. xv + 258 pp.

Krattenmaker, Kathleen. Minoan architectural representation. 2 v. 454 pp. + plates.

Lambropoulou, Anastasia. The middle Helladic period in the Corinthia and the Argolid: an archaeological survey. 1 v. 391 pp. (various pagings).

Marzal, John R. Representation of the Gauls in the Hellenistic and Roman period. 3 v. 528 pp. + plates.

Mersereau, Rebecca. Prehistoric architectural models from the Aegean. xix + 396 pp. + [137] leaves of plates.

Ozyar, Asli. Architectural relief sculpture at Karkamish, Malatya, and Tell Halaf: a technical and iconographic study. 2 v. xvi + 231 pp. + 22, 66 leaves of plates.

1992. Dickey, Keith. Corinthian burial customs, ca. 1100 to 550 BC. 2 v.

Reilly,Joan. The imagery of female adornment on ancient Athenian funeral reliefs. 3 v. 266 + 269 pp. + plates.

1993. Berkin, Jon. The Orientalizing Bucchero from the lower building at Poggio Civitate (Murlo). 2 v. 281 pp. text + vol. of plates.

Ersoy, Yasar E. Clazomenae: the archaic settlement. 3 vols. 2 vols. text (447 pp.) + 1 vol. plates.

Houghtalin, Liane. The personifications of the Roman provinces. 3 vols. 2 vs. text (568 pp.) + plates.

Scott, Ann Reynolds. Cosa: the black-glaze pottery revisited. 2v. 339 pp. + plates.

Vogeikoff, Natalia. Hellenistic pottery from the south slope of the Athenian Acropolis. 2 v. 187 pp. + plates.

1994. Francis, Jane E. Reality and illusions: A formal analysis of two-dimensional late Hellenistic/Roman statuary.

Newland, Danielle M. The akroterial sculpture and architectural terracottas from the upper building at Murlo. 2 v. 347 pp. + 187 plates.

Smith, Joanna S. Seals for sealing in the late Cypriot period. 386 pp.

1995. Jones, Susan C. Crafted Gifts: An examination of free-standing Greek Geometric Anthropomorphic bronzes: their technology, chronology, and iconography. 2 v. 258 pp. + 187 pp., tables and plates.

1996. Miller, J. Cinder Griffin. Temple and statue: A study of practices in Ancient Greece.

1997. Knoblauch, Ann-Marie. Myth and media in the Greek world: The meaning of the satyr in the Archaic and Classical Periods.

Kosmopoulou, Angeliki. Greek Relief Bases for statuary from the Archaic Period to the end of the 4th century B.C..

Van de Moortel, Aleydis M.P.A. The transition from the Protopalatial to the Neopalatial Society in south-central Crete: A ceramic perspective.

1998. Hemingway, Sean. The Horse and Jockey Group from Artemision: A Bronze Equestrian Monument of the Hellenistic Period.

Lederman, Geralyn Sylvie. Athletes, Warriors, and Heroes: The Helmeted-Head Aryballos in its Archaic Greek Context.

1999. Castor, Alexis Q. Enoita: The Contexts of Greek Earrings, Tenth to Third Centuries B.C.

Lee, Mireille M. The Myth of the Classical Peplos.

2000. Aslan, Carolyn Chabot: The Architectural Expression of Social Categories at Five Early Bronze Age West Anatolian Communities (James C. Wright)

Brogan, Thomas M.: Hellenistic Nike: Monuments Commemorating Military Victories of the Attalid and Antigonid Kingdoms, the Aitolian League and the Rhodian Polis ca. 307 to 133 B.C. (Brunilde S. Ridgway)

Niki Holmes Kantzios: The Palm Tree-Palmette Motifs and Goddess Imagery in the Bronze Age (Alice A. Donohue)

2003. Andrianou, Dimitra: Reconstructing Furnished Interiors in Hellenistic Greece. (Stella Miller-Collett)

Smith, Robert Angus Kermode III: The Tombs of Mochlos and Myrsini:  Pottery and Cultural Regionalism in Late Minoan III Crete. (James C. Wright)

2005. Gleba, Margarita: Textile Production in Pre-Roman Italy:  Archaeological Evidence. (Jean M. Turfa and Richard S. Ellis)

Tsoukala, Victoria: The Social Context of Food Preparation and Consumption in Greek Households of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B.C. (Stella Miller-Collett)

2006.  Denel, Elif:  Development of Elite Cultures and Sociopolitical Complexity in Early Iron Age Kingdoms of Northern Syria and Southeaster Anatolia. (Peter Magee)

2007. De Giorgi, Andrea U.: Socio-Economic Studies in the Territory of Antioch in the High Roman Empire. (Russell T. Scott)

Kozlovskaya, Valeriya: Ancient Harbors of the Northwestern Black Sea Area. (James C. Wright)

Lucore, Sandra Kathleen: The Balaneion in Magna Graecia: Tradition and Innovation in Western Greek Baths. (James C. Wright and Malcolm Bell, III)

2008. Sikla, Evangelia: Configurations of the Symbolism of the Bull in Early Late Bronze Age Crete. A Case Study in the Interpretation of Minoan Religion. (James C. Wright)

2009. Fritz, Crystal D.: A Regional Ceramic Analysis of Iron Age Southeastern Arabia. (Peter Magee)

Lepinski, Sarah: Roman Wall Paintings from Panayia Field, Corinth, Greece: A Contextual Study. (Stella Miller-Collett)

Stewart, Deborah Elizabeth Brown: 'hoi peri to hieron': A Study of Sacerdotal Housing at Ancient Greek Sanctuaries. (Stella Miller-Collett)

Tasopoulou, Evrydiki: The Judgment of Animals in Classical Greece: Animal Sculpture and the Concept of Lifelikeness (A.A. Donohue)

2010. Mallen, Lisa Renee: Early Greek and Homeric Conceptions of Domestic Space. (James C. Wright and Richard Hamilton)

2011. Blackwell, Nicholas George: Middle and Late Bronze Age Metal Tools from the Aegean, Eastern Mediterranean, and Anatolia: Implications for Cultural/Regional Interaction and Craftsmanship. (James C. Wright)

Ziskowski, Angela: The Construction of Corinthian Identity in the Early Iron Age and Archaic Period. (James C. Wright)

2012. Guzzetti, Andrea: A Walk through the Past: Toward a Study of Archaeological Museums in Italy, Greece, and Israel. (A.A. Donohue)

Person, Catherine W.: Household Shrines and Cults in Roman Achaia: A New Approach to Examining Cultural Change under the Roman Empire. (Astrid Lindenlauf and Darby Scott)

Surtees, Laura Elizabeth: On the Surface of a Thessalian City: the urban survey of Kastro Kallithea. (Astrid Lindenlauf and James C. Wright)

2014. Diakou, Stella: Lapithos: The Upper Geometric Cemetery. (James C. Wright)

2015. Best, Johanna Loren Carey. Religion of the Roadways: Roadside Sacred Spaces in Attica. (A.A. Donohue)

Cofer, Clay Matthew. The Ara Pacis Augustae and the Ancient Understanding of Grafting. (A.A. Donohue)

Karacic, Steven Thomas. The Archaeology of the Hittite Imperialism and Ceramic Production in Late Bronze Age IIA Tarsus-Gözlükule, Turkey. (Peter Magee and James C. Wright)

2016. Collins, Joelle Nadine. Art as Commodity: Roman Domestic Sculpture in the Late Republic and Early Empire. (A.A. Donohue)

Kuruçayirli, Ali Emre. Copper Metallurgy in Cilicia and the Amuq in the Second Millennium BC: Insights into Aspects of Technology and Trade. (Peter Magee)

2017. Bennett, Danielle Smotherman. Decoding Meaning in Athenian Vase-Painting of the Archaic and Classical Periods: A Study of Expressions of Communication and Targeted Audiences. (Astrid Lindenlauf)

Pritchett, Hollister Nolan. Representations of Human and Satyr Children Through Stages of Childhood Development in Athenian Art of the Sixth to the Fourth Century B.C.E. An Iconographical and Contextual Approach. (Astrid Lindenlauf)

2018. Colosimo, Nicole Marie. Reconstructing the Dedicatory Experience: Flexibility and Limitation in the Ancient Greek Dedicatory Process. (Astrid Lindenlauf)

Starry, Rachel Lynne. Finding the Local within the Global: A Comparative Study of Public Architecture and Urban Development in Roman-period Lycia. (Astrid Lindenlauf)

Beeler, Maggie B. The Social Dynamics of Early Helladic Sealing Practices: Seal Use and Social Change in Early Bronze Age Greece. (James Wright)

2019. Tharler, Andrew. The Terracotta Altars of Morgantina: A Study of the Form, Production, Use, and Development of Arulae from Hellenistic Sicily. (Astrid Lindenlauf)

2021. Jameson, Matthew F. Imperial/Non-Imperial Encounters in the Gulf during the Late Pre-Islamic Period: The Glazed Pottery from Southeastern Arabia and Tepe Yahya, Iran. (Peter Magee)

2022. Silvia, Zachary W. The Rural Settlements of Hellenistic and post-Hellenistic Central Asia: an Archaeology of Indigenous Life under Colonial Rule. (Peter Magee and Soeren Stark)