What's Your Favorite ůůֱ²¥ Tree?

In this issue, the Bulletin celebrates the trees of ůůֱ²¥. So we asked alumnae/i to weigh in with their picks.

Lauren Faber ’07: The one right by the back door on Rock. You could hide under there and study in your own tree room.

Caitlin Cotter Coillberg ’08: The beautiful tree over a bench in Taft garden. Wrote many a paper sitting in its branches.


Ivy Bostock ’14: The one that always welcomed me into English House.


Emily Madsen ’06: The gingkoes at Pem Arch! I would see them after being away from campus for a while and know I was home (even if they sometimes smelled terrible... I even liked that).


Sada Qadir ’13: I loved the amazing katsura tree outside of Rock! It always managed to cheer me up with its huge branches and golden leaves. Even on a rainy day, this tree always seemed happy to me.


Kateri Paul ’94: Several! The Japanese maple on the Brecon driveway that was such a brilliant red in the fall and the horse chestnut by Denbigh, particularly for its striking late spring blooms. And all the cherry trees, of course.


Ruth Mays ’70: A large beech tree at the corner of Denbigh, overlooking the path to Park. It used to be very easy to climb, and the branches formed a perfect seat. I discovered my initials carved in the bark the first time I sat there, carved long ago by some other student. I enjoyed sitting there and watching people come and go. Nobody ever looked up! My picture in the yearbook was taken while sitting in this tree. In the springtime, the new green leaves looked like stained glass.

Published on: 11/18/2019