Ice Cream

What I Know Now

What advice would you give to your younger self or a first-year student?

In Crowd Source, The Bulletin asks readers to answer a question related to their Bryn Mawr College experience. Here were your responses via social media.


When you first get to campus, try lots of new things. Go to an SGA meeting, attend the college news or Bi-Co info session, try out a few different clubs. They might not all stick, but what does might surprise you. So much of learning at ůůֱ happens outside of the classroom with your peers, and the people you meet will make a lasting impact.

Rachel Kutten ’13

Keep a journal. You think you’ll remember everything in the moment, but some events will become hazy even only a few years after graduation.


1) Believe in yourself! You can do anything! 2) A positive attitude is infectious. 3) Find something you are passionate about, then go after it. Do what makes you happy. 4) The path is sometimes long, rocky, and winding, but you’ll meet really wonderful people and experience really amazing things along the way. 5) When you fall, get up again! 6) When in doubt, count on a bar of chocolate and a bowl of ice cream. 7) When you wake up every morning, ask yourself, “How am I going to make the world a better place today?”

Venita Datta ’82

Trust yourself. You are a very smart woman—that is why you are at ůůֱ College. Use your intelligence to learn all you can from professors, classmates, and those around you. I say this as a college professor and an alum.

Jo Karimurio ’09

A women’s college is a truly magical place. Not only will you discover the diversity of others, but you will find you are stronger and more capable than you imagine. Embrace the community you find yourself in, and you will have sisters for life.

Published on: 05/10/2017