Crowd Source: What are some of your favorite memories from Reunions past?

Kristin Manitzas Miles ’86

“I always make new friends and I’m left to wonder, ‘How is it possible we weren’t friends before this?!’ ůůֱ is the gift that truly keeps on giving.”

Erica Foley '97

“The ’90s decade Reunion was something really special. It’s great to come back and see our classmates every five years. But we’ve only had the opportunity to come to Reunion with the other classes who were at BMC at the same time as us once. Please do that again!”

Eliza A. Fendell '95

“I took a grounds tour during my fifth Reunion after a time of intense investment in our infrastructure. It was fabulous, and as a now-older alum, I would appreciate it even more to keep up with the College and how it's used today.”

Sara Karp '09

“Quizzo for all decades!”

Liz Scheier '00

“Trying out the new (to me) hammocks near Senior Row and getting out of one with all the grace of an octopus taking off a turtleneck.”

Bina Williams '75

“Getting to know people you didn’t back in the day. As students, we were self-absorbed in our own little bubbles of friends, majors, dorms. As alums, we realize how much we have in common.”

Published on: 11/12/2023