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A Message from Ann Steiner, Ph.D. '81

November 14, 2019

Tanti Auguri and Buon Compleanno, Bruni!

Although it is your day to receive gifts, I want to thank you for some you gave to me. Every year when I introduce students to the Olympia sculptures, I use the term you taught us — "doughy drapery." Likewise, the Delphi charioteer wears a garment that falls into folds like "corrugated iron." And the drapery on the Parthenon East Pediment Aphrodite is more than wet — it is like the membrane on a hard boiled egg.

When I give a talk, I always remember your rule not to have more than a slide a minute (sometimes I break it, though). And whenever I start a new project, I always begin with the firmly dated monuments, just like we did in seminar.

Thank you, thank you for these gifts and so many more.

Bruni Ridgway and Pete Ridgway

Brunilde Ridgway, Rhys Carpenter ůůֱ²¥ Emeritus of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, is celebrating her 90th birthday. In honor of this milestone, her former students, colleagues, and friends have been invited to share memories of their beloved mentor, teacher, and friend. View the list of messages.